1 And Related Applications: RegTool Carto Tools The Geospatial Interface Version 1.1 in ArcGIS 9
2 What is the GI? It is a GAC (Geospatial Advisory Committee) sponsored project to build an integrated single point of entry for all users of geospatial data.
3 What’s the GI consist of? Two parts: Geospatial Interface – a simple user interface (ArcMap toolbar) with full access to all of the data defined in the Forest Service GIS Data Dictionary Geospatial Structure – The underlying “metadata repository” -- A series of Oracle tables defining the relationships between data objects and the what and where of them
4 Geospatial Interface Relationships ArcGIS 9 Environment GI Structure (Registry) replaces the GIS Foundation and Infra Data Catalog. It’s a set of Oracle Tables on your cell for the “Where”, “What” and “How” of geospatial data to feed applications. TEUI Toolkit GI Content Design e.g. GI Data Dictionary NRISLocal InfraProjects ALPTIM/FACTS Local Server’s GI Structure GI Client 1.1 Carto Tools Feeds Replicates Structure Feeds Distributes “content” National Symbology Team -One per Region & GSTC & FSNRA -Coordinate & Facilitate Content and Symbology User Boards GSTC Mapping Committee Registration Tool Register Map & Report Products Infra Range Feeds
5 GI and Related Applications Registration Tool An interface to register the what, where and how into the GI Structure tables so that new products appear on the GI NavTree
6 GI and Related Products Registration Tool A set of Forms that registers datasets and products into the Geospatial Structure (aka Registry) Meant for Content developers and highly skilled GIS Specialists Adds local datasets to the GI NavTree Grids, DOQ’s, coverages, shapefiles, etc can be registered The Recordset writer functionality will create and register new featureclasses based on a query (especially useful for Event Themes) Class break and unique value rendering is supported Distribution of Content to the GI NavTree is completely automated- it is distributed through Oracle and your NavTree is updated at GI startup.
7 GI and Related Applications Carto Tools An ArcGIS 9.0 extension developed by ESRI with the F.S. providing most of the requirements and testing (not funding) Produces “cartographic layouts” for creating maps or a series of maps based on user-defined tiles, e.g. quads or watersheds “Cartographic Layouts” will be available to users of the GI via the “5 th button”, currently under development
8 Other Features of Carto Tools Content can be provided by the Geospatial Interface Dynamic Text and Objects Graphic layers ala Freehand for map publication Batch print or batch export (.pdf or.jpg) Transparency control of surrounding area Map indexes can be created from line and point features
9 Help from the Carto Tools Project for the GI 1.Ported to.Net 2.Ported to ArcGIS 9 3.Adding 5th “Carto” button to deliver collar information and page setup 4.Registering GIS DD Content
10 Questions? Project Manager:Curtis Day NRIS Tools & Infra Corvallis, OR (541) Downloads, documentation and training videos: