W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 5 May 06 Slide 1 Online DCH background analysis Compare on-line DCH background ratio to Martin's offline analysis Can we identify the source of the extraneous online DCH backgrounds? W. Kozanecki
MDI meeting, 5 May 06 Slide 2 HER-only running, 3 May 06 Lumi bkg or LER b-g or LER b-b or HER b-b ?
W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 5 May 06 Slide 3 HER-only running, Apr 06
W. KozaneckiMDI meeting, 5 May 06 Slide 4 The online DCH background ratio, with HEB only, is about The typical background ratio, under physics conditions, is Given that HER contributes only ~ 0.7, this implies about 0.6 units of extra background This extra background decreases rapidly with dropping e + current. It could be LER beam-gas LER beam-beam or dynamic- aperture losses HER beam-beam What do the other subdetectors see? Conclusions