An Introduction to Dutchess County Comprehensive Cancer Control Initiative
Tom Kean, MPH C-Change
Ena Wanliss, MS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
David Momrow, MPH American Cancer Society
Kristen Admiraal, MSW New York State Department of Health
An Introduction to Dutchess County Comprehensive Cancer Control Initiative
Dutchess County Demographics - Population Growth 8% growth from 1990 to % growth from 2000 to 2005 Census, ACS 1990 Census 2000 Census 2005 Estimate 259,462280,150294,849
Dutchess County Demographics - Population Characteristics (2005) AgeRace & Ethnicity Under %White (non-Hispanic) 79.1% %Black (non-Hispanic) 8.5% %Asian (non-Hispanic) 3.4% %Hispanic (of any race) 7.7% % Sex Median age39.1Male Female 49.3% 50.7% ACS
Dutchess County Demographics - Births and Deaths Dutchess County averages 3,200 births per year ( ) 2,200 deaths per year ( ) NYSDOH
Dutchess County Leading Causes of Death - ( ) 1. Diseases of the Heart 2. Malignant Cancers * Average 1,259 deaths per year Account for more than half of all deaths (57%) 551 cancer related deaths (25% of all deaths) 3. Cerebrovascular Disease 4. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease Average 255 deaths per year * NYSDOH
Dutchess County Malignant Cancer Incidence Over Time ( ) NYSDOH
Dutchess County Malignant Cancer Mortality Over Time ( ) NYSDOH
Malignant Cancer Incidence Rates, By Site ( ) NYSDOH
Malignant Cancer Mortality Rates, By Site ( ) NYSDOH
Malignant Cancer Rates, All Cancers ( ) NYSDOH
Dutchess County Malignant Cancer Average Annual New Cases ( ) New Cases M = 740 F = 685 Colorectal M = 80 F = 81 NYSDOH Lung & Bronchus M = 112 F = 92 Prostate (male) 234 Breast (female) 216 Revised 6/29/07
Dutchess County Malignant Cancer Average Annual Deaths ( ) Deaths M = 282 F = 269 Colorectal M = 27 F = 33 NYSDOH Lung & Bronchus M = 85 F = 66 Prostate (male) 30 Breast (female) 44 Revised 6/29/07
Prevention of Cancer Tobacco Control Healthy lifestyles Regular screenings Reduction of exposure to high risk environmental factors Increased knowledge of cancer genetics Many cancer deaths are preventable
Preventive Care BRFSS Mammogram in past 2 yrs, ages 40+ Sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy ever, ages 50+ Fecal occult blood test in past 2 yrs, ages 50+ Routine physical in past 2 yrs, ages 18+
Lifestyles that Enhance Health BRFSS
Lifestyles that Pose Health Risks BRFSS, Expanded BRFSS, YRBSS, DC Youth Tobacco Survey, DCDOH/CSC Childhood Obesity Study
Dutchess County’s Commitment to Comprehensive Cancer Control C-Change NYS Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan County Executive William R. Steinhaus initiative New York State’s only locally funded cancer initiative
DCDOH leads Comprehensive Cancer Control Process Identify key community partners Establish core workgroup Introduce concept of comprehensive cancer control Develop elements of community needs assessment
Dutchess County’s Comprehensive Cancer Control Core Workgroup American Cancer Society Dutchess County Department of Health Dutchess Health 2000 Healthy Women’s Partnership Hospice of Dutchess and Ulster Counties Hudson River Healthcare NY State Rural Health Association St. Francis Hospital Vassar Brothers Medical Center
Short-Term Goals Share cancer services information Assist in the development of a community needs assessment Create a plan which will address local cancer control issues
Needs Assessment Review of community’s care system Quantitative & Qualitative Data Collection Review of epidemiological data Qualitative information will provide a rich understanding of our circumstances Relies on community input
Needs Assessment Description A snapshot of cancer, cancer services, and cancer survivors in our community
Needs Assessment Elements An Epidemiologic Profile Identification and Evaluation of: Service Needs Among Affected Populations Clinical Cancer Providers Local Supportive Service Cancer Providers
Needs Assessment Product What trends and issues were identified in the assessment? What trends and issues should be considered for potential planning? Where are we now? How will we monitor our progress? Develop a Plan of Action
Next Steps
Who is here today... AG Edwards American Cancer Society Benedictine Hospital Cancer Awareness Coalition Cancer Information Services – NCI Memorial Sloan Kettering Catharine Street Community Center Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Children’s Media Project City of Poughkeepsie Dutchess County Executive Dutchess County Department of Health Dutchess County Office for the Aging Dutchess Health 2000 Dutchess Outreach Healthy Women’s Partnership Hospice of Dutchess and Ulster Hudson River Healthcare Hudson Valley Business Journal Leukemia and Lymphoma Society MD Imaging Miles of Hope Foundation NACCHO New York State Breast Cancer Network NY State Rural Health Association Planned Parenthood Poughkeepsie Journal St. Francis Hospital The Community Foundation of Dutchess County Vassar Brothers Medical Center Vassar College
97% had cancer impact your life in some way 29% were familiar with CCCP process 99% indicated interest in participating in this initiative Survey Results
How You Can Participate in the Dutchess County Comprehensive Cancer Control Initiative Community Based Organizations Businesses / Employers Fraternal Organizations Health Care Providers Academia
Traditional Partners
Non-Traditional Partners
CEO Gold Standard Focuses on five critical areas, known as The Five Pillars: 1.Tobacco Use Prevention and Reduction 2.Diet and Nutrition 3.Physical Activity 4.Screening and Early Detection 5.Access to Quality Treatment and Clinical Trials
Non-Traditional Partners
Please complete the Evaluation and Contact form in your packet – Thank You!
Dutchess County Comprehensive Cancer Control website
THANK YOU!!! For attending the 2006 Dutchess County Comprehensive Cancer Control Kick Off Event!!! For More Information, Contact: Lisa Cardinale, LMSW Sr. Public Health Educator
2006 Dutchess County Comprehensive Cancer Control Introduction Event Lunch is Served – Enjoy!!!
Dutchess County Department of Health We are connected to our Community
All photos used in this presentation were taken from google – images, All photos were selected to be illustrative and were not to be specific to an individual, group, agency or any other format. Below are their perspective addresses:
Data Sources U.S. Census Bureau Decennial Census 1990, 2000 American Community Survey 2005 Population Estimates 2005 New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Biometrics Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System BRFSS 2003 Expanded BRFSS 2003 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) 2003 Dutchess County Youth Tobacco Survey 2003, Children’s Services Council Childhood Obesity Study 2004, Dutchess County Department of Health & Children’s Services Council