Iowa Department of Education TLC Administrator Support Program ********************* March 2015
Introduce New York City Leadership Academy (NYCLA) Overview of program structures and content Develop understanding of school engagement plan Present school application and selection process Share critical dates Meeting Purpose and Outcomes
Framework for Learning Supports Adult Learning Collaborative Culture CommunicationContent, Pedagogy & Assessment Systems Thinking DataOrganizational Leadership Focus Areas Design and delivery of profess- sional learning. Facilitation of group processes and development of necessary structures for professional learning environments to be effective. Cultivation of skills associated with effective dialogue with colleagues. Implementati on of research and best practice in content (Iowa Core), instruction and assessment. Integration and alignment of district and statewide educational improveme nt efforts. Facilitation of data analysis and data- informed decision making. Facilitation and enactment of a vision for school improvement with teacher leadership as a point of leverage.
Principal Learning Supports Focus on O rganizational Leadership To cultivate coaching skills specific to administrators to support teacher leaders and other administrators who work with teacher leaders. To develop the Professional Capital of an organization.Professional Capital
Principal Learning Supports Focus on O rganizational Leadership To cultivate a mindset that supports empowerment of teacher leaders. To allocate resources and implement organizational structures and schedules that facilitate the implementation of a system of teacher leadership.
Overall Purpose: To equip and support principals to form a cohesive building leadership team that is aligned to a singular mission as embraced by the district, and is able to lead a collaborative process to strengthen instructional practice that leverages teacher leaders for school-wide improvement of student learning. TLC Administrative Support Program
TLC Administrator Support Program Description: The TLC Administrator Support Program will be a comprehensive, year-long professional development program focusing on building the capacity of the principal to develop and facilitate distributed leadership in their school, namely by supporting and leveraging teacher leaders as part of the leadership team. TLC Administrative Support Program
Emphasize the authentic work of school leaders and utilize job- embedded experiences Align to clear and rigorous school leadership standards Reflect leadership needs of districts and schools where leaders will serve Cultivate teamwork to promote sustainable school improvement STUDENTS NYC LA Approach to Leadership Development
NYC LA’s process is designed to: - Ensure program is reflective of and responsive to local needs -Ensure development of local capacity to sustain and evolve program over time Stakeholder Engagement Standards Alignment Program Design Curriculum Development Training Evaluation & Other Technical Assistance
The program includes: a three-day summer intensive training for the principal and members of district leadership three half-day workshops during the school year for principals and TLC building teams one-on-one school-based coaching TLC Administrative Support Program
TLC Impact on School Leadership: Need for more clarity of the principal’s role now that teacher leaders are members of the school leadership team -Specifically, the principal’s role as an instructional leader and evaluator Create emphasis on the need for distributive leadership Highlight a need for principals to build capacity of instructional coaches/teacher leaders to work with adults Focus Group Highlights
Skills principals need to be successful: Ability to communicate a clear vision Ability to understand change management and the ability to lead through change Ability to delegate responsibilities and foster collaboration among teams Focus Group Highlights
Building Capacity for TLC Administrators and Teams Principal & Team Leadership Needs State, District & School Goals Summer Institute Leadership Coaching Ongoing Workshops Building principal and team capacity to improve student achievement Statewide Program Capacity Building and Sustainability
Two Tiered District / School Engagement ModelEligible ParticipantsRequired District ResourcesCost to District/School Model 1: AEA-Based Support Up to 12 buildings per AEA Lottery All completed applications by Superintendent support/sign-off Superintendent or designee participation in summer institute Principal participation in all three components Travel expenses Salary expenses Model 2: District- Based Support Any district, or group of districts, who can identify and support required program staff Up to 21 coaches who will be trained by the DE & NYC LA. Lottery if more than 21 All completed applications by Superintendent support/sign-off Superintendent or designee participation in summer institute Principal participation in all three components District provided program staff (# of staff determined by # of schools served and full-time/part-time status of program staff) o Must meet state eligibility requirements o Must attend coach training provided by the state program All costs associated with providing a program facilitator and coach. Some districts may have central office capacity already, in which case, a percentage of current staff time can be allocated to this new initiative. Districts also have the option to hire staff. Facilitators will be negotiated with AEA.
Staffing Structure StaffModel 1: AEA-Based Model 2: District-Based Coaches Nine coaches total Hired by NYC LA Each serves 12 schools One coach per AEA Up to 21 coaches across the state District provides at least one coach per district/group of districts Max 12 schools each if full time FacilitatorsNine facilitators total Each based in the AEA, existing staff who are identified and released from other work (17 days min) State-based AEA facilitators support the district based cohorts as well Each district/group of districts will need to purchase 4.5 days of facilitator time
Implementation/Training Calendar Scope of WorkCalendarDetailParticipants Staff Selection Week of March 30 Two days in Iowa DE Core Team, plus any additional identified stakeholders Curriculum Design March-April NYC LA team will primarily design. DE team will join for two three-hour remote sessions NYC LA Team and DE Core Team Program Recruitment and Enrollment March 16-Apr 15 Program description materials available, and active conversations with districts to identify which program model fits their needs the best. Full TLC State Support Team and AEAs Coach Training April days in Des Moines All state-supported and district- based coaches (up to 30) Facilitator Training May days in Des MoinesAll facilitators (up to 12) Summer Institute Prep June days in Des MoinesAll facilitators and coaches
Model 1: AEA-Based Support Registration March 16 – April 1 Forms Available on DE Website - TLC page Lottery/NotificationApril 5, 2015 Participation12 Buildings per AEA Contact Lora Rasey: Registration Requirements Superintendent nomination of school Principal signed program agreements Participation in all three training components
Model 2: District-Based Support Registration March 16 – April 1 Forms Available on DE Website - TLC page Lottery/NotificationApril 5, 2015 Program Staff Identified Coaches identified and facilitator agreement in place April 17, 2015 DE Contact Lora Rasey: Registration RequirementsSuperintendent nomination of school(s) Principal program agreements by building Provide leadership coach(es) Participation in all three components
Registration and Participation Assurances Agreement Model 1: AEA-Based Support Forms will be available on the TLC page March 16, compensation-system
Registration and Participation Assurances Agreement Model 2: District-Based Support Forms will be available on the TLC page March 16, compensation-system
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