MSD-I Project Review Modular Motion Tracking Sensors 1
Agenda Current State Budget Update Project Plan Risk Assessment Individual Team Member Status Deliverables Checklist and Online Status Rubric Review 2
Current State We have met with the customers various times so that we fully understand their needs. With the scope change, we have re-evaluated our risks, as well as our roles within the project. We have a complete project plan for MSD II as well as a work breakdown structure for each individual. We have a good handle on what error could occur with our project, and how to test for that error in our final design, as well as the steps to take if the error does occur. We will also be observing at the clinics to get a better handle on how we could improve our design. 3
Project Plan Comparison Informal reviews weekly Formal reviews and revisions every few weeks Members followed general task lists well Had trouble adding very specific tasks to plan 4
MSDII Project Plan Changes due to rescoping: Order parts before break Finalize attachment and enclosure schematics Changes in work breakdown: Lindsey and Brittany – benchmarking Mike and Andrei – manufacturing sensors and attachment/enclosures Maya – Test plans to mitigate human error 6
Risk Assessment Addressed risks: – Contacting Dr. Mowder and Dr. Barbano – Device not meeting customer needs – Team members not pulling their weight – Sensor breaking during assembly or testing – Analog front end unable to interface with base unit 7
Risk Assessment Future Risks with plans: – Device does not attach securely – Attachment does not fit patient – Attachment is not comfortable – Parts do not come in on-time – Cannot test sensors until the base unit develops a prototype – Device is not accurate enough – Device is not sanitizeable 8
Risk Assessment Not yet addressed risks: – Parts cannot be obtained – Device is not reliable enough – Device is too fragile – Sensors cannot fit within enclosure 9
Rubric Updates Engineering (Design) Specifications MSD I Execution vs. Plan ("Do, check, and act" phases) Concept Generation and Evaluation Concept Improvement and Selection Drawings/Schematics Feasibility Analysis Knowledge & understanding of design Plan to meet Customer Needs/Engineering Specifications including a Preliminary Test Plan 10
Individual Team Members Status What were your personal responsibilities and where are you against your plan (compare to your original plan)? Have you utilized your plan effectively in MSD I and is your current assessment of status realistic? Have you prepared your schedule for MSD II – is it meaningful and realistic? 11
Maya Ramaswamy, ISE Responsibilities Project Organization Lead – Create and update project plan – Keep track of task completion Assist with Ergonomics and Attachment – Research ergonomics information Assist rest of team – Interview customers – Finalize customer needs and engineering specs 12
Maya Ramaswamy, ISE MSD I Plan Make project plan during week 3 Update project plan during week 5 Update project plan during week 9 Order parts Assist Brittany and Andrei with knee block diagrams Research attachment and enclosure methods Knee flexion HOQ Update decision matrices Add site index Status All completed on time (or revised) Still need site index, but have organized site 13
Maya Ramaswamy, ISE MSD II Plan Focusing on test plans to mitigate attachment error Need to work with Dr. Marshall Continuing as project organization lead Will assist Andrei with finalizing attachment choices 14
Brittany Bochette, EE Responsibilities Sensors for Knee Device – Research various knee sensors and their feasibility for this project. Specify and Clarify Customer Needs – Meet with the customer to update and clarify customer needs 15
Brittany Bochette, EE MSD I Plan Clarify and specify customer needs with Dr. Mowder Look into various sensors (inclinometer, flex sensor, potentiometer) Choose best sensor by creating a decision matrix Test ordered sensors for reproducibility Determine if zeroing is needed Help update knee flexion HOQ Update decision matrices Add content to EDGE as updated Status All completed on time (or revised) Test plan will need to be updated according to our new scope Talking about our design to Dr. Mowder 16
Brittany Bochette, EE MSD II Plan Benchmark devices and come up with recommendations for next year’s team. Research existing applications for motion tracking systems Observe at Dr. Barbano/Dr. Mowder clinics Create the math and algorithms needed to get the correct measurements from the device 17
Michael Ostertag, EE Responsibilities Engineering Lead – Look up and compare sensors for both knee and head – Generate block diagrams and schematics Liaison between groups – Communicate meeting times, notes, needs, and revised specifications with base unit group – Develop a communication protocol between the two devices 18
Michael Ostertag, EE Completed Tasks Established a connection and performed initial interviews with Dr. Barbano and Kevin Kearny Generated a set of needs from interview with Dr. Barbano Performed literature search for both devices and associated medical conditions Worked with base unit group to develop basis for a communication protocol Created and updated block diagrams Invited interested parties to the concept design review Organized meeting to D3 engineering Created and updated electrical schematics Performed basic feasibility calculations (lifetime, ADC resolution, etc) Updated Bill of Materials Updated Risk Management Status All completed on time (or revised) 19
Michael Ostertag, EE MSD II Plan Establishing a regular contact at D3 for developing communication protocol Set up weekly meeting with Bernt and Evan to ensure smooth integration of the two projects Develop communication protocol Assemble circuitry 20
Andrei Stihi, ME Designed modifications for new testing rig. Researched head and knee attachments, as well as generated attachment concepts. Met with customers to determine exact engineering needs for the devices. Created prototypes of devices for in clinic testing. Created CAD drawings and exploded views of designs. Updated and maintained Engineering Specifications on EDGE. Met with customers to review attachment concepts for feasibility. 21
Andrei Stihi, ME 22
Andrei Stihi, ME 23
Andrei Stihi, ME MSD II Modify attachment methods for new design. Complete the enclosure and attachment designs. Create the enclosure and attachment methods. Modify and build the testing rig. Ensure circuitry remains stationary in enclosure. Test the enclosure strength. 24
Lindsey Clark, EE Responsibilities – Researched and evaluated sensors for head tilt system; provided information to team members and posted on EDGE – Created test plans for sensors and enclosure for head tilt system – Took notes at all meetings and posted to EDGE 25
Lindsey Clark, EE MSD1 Plan – Create customer needs – Research sensors used last year – Engineering specifications – Testing sensors – Decision matrix for head tilt sensor – Test plans Status 26
Lindsey Clark, EE MSD2 Plan – Researching competitive benchmarking for future sensors – Researching past motion tracking sensors – Research chest sensor – Observe at Dr. Barbano’s – Equations for voltages and velocities 27