1 Freeriders in P2P: Pricing Incentives Don Towsley UMass-Amherst collaborators: D. Figueiredo, J. Shapiro
2 Grand challenge Design economic mechanisms to provide incentives for increasing utility of network Internet ad hoc overlays
3 Overlays why? to deploy new services/applications to fine tune network for applications instantiations CDN p2p challenge incentives for users to join and contribute services (freerider problem) incentives for peering
4 Freerider problem widely observed phenomenon file sharing [e.g. Adar & Huberman Gnutella measuremets] Why should users participate – except when they need service? solutions reputations need reputation to get service providing reliable service yields reputation payments need tokens to get service providing services yields tokens
5 G Anonymity problem anonymity property set of peers G message initiator I message from I appears to be from anyone in G p2p implementation message routed along random path through G source routing vs. randomized forwarding response routed along reverse path I
6 Onion routing source based routing packet encrypted by source in layers (onion) each layer encrypted with public key of next node encryption layer removed at each hop install connection state in each hop reverse path for responses
7 Onion routing example I C B D A R initiator recipient peer G Path = {C,B,D,C,R}
8 Pricing and anonymity reputation mechanism must know peer identities won’t work for anonymity pay to initiate messages ante up at join forward messages to earn money payments in electronic cash to preserve anonymity modified onion-routing protocol to control... who gets paid when they get paid how much they get paid
9 Payment system example NM peer... Bank
10 Research challenges analysis model? equilibrium price? sensitivity to user desires? other anonymity protocols crowds approach tied to the “real” economy simplifies bootstrapping (cash from outside) alternate markets?
11 Research challenges how to generate trust central bank can trust be distributed? reputation-based solutions? relationship to payment-based solutions? hybrids? to deal with malicious users other p2p apps? ad hoc networks? other networking applications
12 D.R. Figueiredo, J. Shapiro, D. Towsley "Incentives for Cooperation in Anonymity Systems" ftp://gaia.cs.umass.edu/Anon_Incentive_03. pdf
13 Payment System use onion to embed payment source inserts encrypted payment for each hop in path node must forward message to get payment key for payment is visible only to next hop node cashes payment before forwarding response ensure valid payment off-line protocol can defer validation
14 Electronic cash electronic cash supports untraceable transactions payer identity hidden from everyone can prevent double payment use onion to embed payment source inserts encrypted payment for each hop node must forward message to get payment node cashes payment before forwarding response