MCDEP’s Database Conversion Overview Benthic MonitoringFish Monitoring Rapid Habitat Geomorphology Physchem Herpetofauna Spring MonitoringSummer Monitoring Fall Monitoring Benthic Identification Station ID – Primary Key Trash Rating Riparian Veg. Channelization LandUse GPS Sampling Considerations Sampleability Road Culvert Benthic Habitat Sampled Stream Width In Office Benthic Subsampling Info Station ID – Primary Key Bank Erosion Bar Formation & Substrate Exotic Plants Woody Debris & Rootwads Stream Character MBSS Habitat Assessment Fish Collected Shocker Info Game Fish Collected Vernal Pool Info Page 1 Station ID – Primary Key Pebble Count Embeddedness Longitudinal Profile Cross-Section Morphology Calculations Slope Sinuosity Index S:WMD/WRP/Data/Database Conversion 2002/MCDEP’s Overall Organization of benthic and fish IBI’s
Benthic Database Page 2 Station Data Entry -Crew -Station -Date -Identified Bugs -Subsampling Information Updated Bug Characteristics Table -Bug Names -Ephemeroptera – y/n -Plecoptera – y/n -Trichoptera – y/n -Diptera taxa – y/n -Tanytarsini – y/n -Tolerant – y/n -Collectors – y/n Benthic Database This database will include: -Dates stations were monitored -Crew -Subsampling information -Identified Bugs DEP Stations Database -Station ID -Drainage area And various other things, Mostly already listed in our old database. Hydrolab Readings Taken at each station every time Crews go out monitoring Rapid Habitat Field Assessment Taken at each station every time Crews go out monitoring Related Tables (PhysChem & Habitat)
MCDEP Interim Fish Database Station Data Entry -Crew -Station -Date -Identified Fish -Biomass Information Updated Fish Characteristics Table -Fish Names -Riffle/Benthic insectivores – y/n -Minnow Species – y/n -Intolerant – y/n -Tolerant – y/n -generalists, omnivores, & invertivores – y/n -Pioneering Species – y/n Fish Database This database will include: -Dates stations were monitored -Crew -Identified Fish DEP Stations Database -Station ID -Drainage area And various other things, Mostly already listed in our old database. Page 3 Hydrolab Readings Taken at each station every time Crews go out monitoring Rapid Habitat Field Assessment Taken at each station every time Crews go out monitoring Related Tables (PhysChem & Habitat)
Overall Organization of the MCDEP’s Benthic IBI Page 4 MCDEP Bug IBI 1 st & 2 nd Order Streams 8 Different parameters to be calculated Break into Scoring Criteria of 5, 3, or 1 for each parameter Summation of Scoring Overall Narrative of Poor, Fair, Good Excellent 3 rd & 4 th Order Streams Channery Silt LoamSilt Loam 8 Different parameters to be calculated Break into Scoring Criteria of 5, 3, or 1 for each parameter Summation of Scoring Overall Narrative of Poor, Fair, Good Excellent 8 Different parameters to be calculated Break into Scoring Criteria of 5, 3, or 1 for each parameter Summation of Scoring Overall Narrative of Poor, Fair, Good Excellent Channery Silt LoamSilt Loam 8 Different parameters to be calculated Break into Scoring Criteria of 5, 3, or 1 for each parameter Summation of Scoring Overall Narrative of Poor, Fair, Good Excellent Note: Our Benthic IBI was designed for using a kick seine in a riffle rather than our new MBSS Jab method.
MCDEP’s Interim Benthic IBI – Using the Kick Seine Method Benthic Database (raw benthic station data) Everything below will be Calculated based on only the Taxa list at each station MCDEP’s Updated Benthic Characterictics Table (See attached Excel) Using Referenced Tolerance Values Page 5 3 rd & 4 th Order Streams1 st & 2 nd Order Streams Channery Silt Loam & Triassic Upland Silt Loam 1) Taxa Richness (sum of all taxa) > <11 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 2) Biotic Index [(number of individuals per taxa * Tolerance Values for all taxa and total) / total # of organisms] < >6.66 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 3)Ratio of Scrapers [# scraper individuals / (scrapers + Filtering collectors) * 100] >42% 21-42% <21% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 4)Proportion of Hydropsyche & Cheumatopsyche [ (# of Hydropsyche + Cheumatopsyche) / total # of Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera) * 100] <9% 9-55% >55% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score
Page 6 5) Proportion of Dominant Taxa [(Taxa with highest # individuals / total # Of organisms) * 100] <41% 41-71% >71% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 6)Total Number of EPT Taxa [(sum of Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera] > <6 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 7) Proportion of EPT Individuals [(sum of Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera / total # of organisms) * 100] >58% 29-58% <29% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 8) Proportion of Shredders [(sum of all shredders / total # of Organisms) * 100] >6% 3-6% <3% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score < > PoorFairGoodExcellent Summation of Output Scores for each parameter 1 st & 2 nd Order MCDEP’s Bug IBI (Metrics 5-8) (Channery Silt Loam & Triassic Upland)
Page 7 Silt Loam 1 st & 2 nd Order MCDEP’s Bug IBI (Silt Loam) 1) Taxa Richness (sum of all taxa) > <12 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 2) Biotic Index [(number of individuals per taxa * Tolerance Values for all taxa and total) / total # of organisms] < >6.93 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 3)Ratio of Scrapers [# scraper individuals / (scrapers + Filtering collectors) * 100] >20% 10-20% <10% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 4)Proportion of Hydropsyche & Cheumatopsyche [ (# of Hydropsyche + Cheumatopsyche) / total # of Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera) * 100] <15% 15-57% >57% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 5) Proportion of Dominant Taxa [(Taxa with highest # individuals / total # Of organisms) * 100] <33% 33-67% >67% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 6)Total Number of EPT Taxa [(sum of Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera] > <6 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score
1 st & 2 nd Order MCDEP’s Fish Interim IBI (Metrics 7 & 8) (Silt Loam) Page 8 7) Proportion of EPT Individuals [(sum of Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera / total # of organisms) * 100] >55% 28-55% <28% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 8) Proportion of Shredders [(sum of all shredders / total # of Organisms) * 100] >5% 3-5% <3% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score < > PoorFairGoodExcellent Summation of Output Scores for each parameter
Page 9 3 rd & 4 th Order Streams Channery Silt Loam & Triassic Upland Silt Loam 3 rd & 4 th Order MCDEP’s Benthic IBI (Channery Silt Loam & Triassic Upland) 1) Taxa Richness (sum of all taxa) > <10 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 2) Biotic Index [(number of individuals per taxa * Tolerance Values for all taxa and total) / total # of organisms] < >6.92 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 3)Ratio of Scrapers [# scraper individuals / (scrapers + Filtering collectors) * 100] >8% 4-8% <4% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 4)Proportion of Hydropsyche & Cheumatopsyche [ (# of Hydropsyche + Cheumatopsyche) / total # of Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera) * 100] <21% 21-61% >61% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 5) Proportion of Dominant Taxa [(Taxa with highest # individuals / total # Of organisms) * 100] <48% 48-74% >74% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score
3 rd & 4 th Order MCDEP’s Benthic IBI (Metrics 6-8) (Channery Silt Loam & Triassic Upland) Page 10 6)Total Number of EPT Taxa [(sum of Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera] > <6 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 7) Proportion of EPT Individuals [(sum of Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera / total # of organisms) * 100] >50% 25-50% <25% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 8) Proportion of Shredders [(sum of all shredders / total # of Organisms) * 100] >16% 8-16% <8% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score < > PoorFairGoodExcellent Summation of Output Scores for each parameter
Page 11 Silt Loam 1) Taxa Richness (sum of all taxa) > <11 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 2) Biotic Index [(number of individuals per taxa * Tolerance Values for all taxa and total) / total # of organisms] < >6.89 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 3)Ratio of Scrapers [# scraper individuals / (scrapers + Filtering collectors) * 100] >18% 9-18% <9% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 4)Proportion of Hydropsyche & Cheumatopsyche [ (# of Hydropsyche + Cheumatopsyche) / total # of Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera) * 100] <17% 17-59% >59% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 5) Proportion of Dominant Taxa [(Taxa with highest # individuals / total # Of organisms) * 100] <47% 47-74% >74% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 6)Total Number of EPT Taxa [(sum of Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera] > <7 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 3 rd & 4 th Order MCDEP’s Bug IBI (Silt Loam)
3 rd & 4 th Order MCDEP’s Bug IBI (Metrics 7 & 8) (Silt Loam) Page 12 7) Proportion of EPT Individuals [(sum of Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera / total # of organisms) * 100] >55% 28-55% <28% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 8) Proportion of Shredders [(sum of all shredders / total # of Organisms) * 100] >5% 3-5% <3% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score < > PoorFairGoodExcellent Summation of Output Scores for each parameter
MCDEP Fish Interim IBI Overall Organization of the MCDEP’s Fish Interim IBI’s Page 13 1 st & 2 nd Order Streams 9 Different parameters to be calculated Break into Scoring Criteria of 5, 3, or 1 for each parameter Summation of Scoring Overall Narrative of Poor, Fair, Good Excellent 3 rd & 4 th Order Streams Channery Silt LoamSilt Loam 9 Different parameters to be calculated Break into Scoring Criteria of 5, 3, or 1 for each parameter Summation of Scoring Overall Narrative of Poor, Fair, Good Excellent 9 Different parameters to be calculated Break into Scoring Criteria of 5, 3, or 1 for each parameter Summation of Scoring Overall Narrative of Poor, Fair, Good Excellent Channery Silt LoamSilt Loam 9 Different parameters to be calculated Break into Scoring Criteria of 5, 3, or 1 for each parameter Summation of Scoring Overall Narrative of Poor, Fair, Good Excellent
MCDEP’s Fish Interim IBI Fish Database (raw fish station data) Calculated based on only the Taxa list at each station MCDEP’s Updated Fish Characterictics Table (See attached Excel) Using Referenced Tolerance Values 3 rd & 4 th Order Streams1 st & 2 nd Order Streams Channery Silt Loam & Triassic Upland Page 14 Silt Loam 1) Total # of Fish Species (sum of all species) >7 4-7 <4 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 2) # of Riffle Benthic Insectivorous Individuals (sum of Benthic/insectivores Individuals) > <12 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 3) # of Minnow Species (sum of all Cyprinidae species) >2 2 <2 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 4) # of Intolerant Species (sum of intolerant species) >1 1 <1 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score
1 st & 2 nd Order MCDEP’s Fish Interim IBI (Metrics 5-9) (Channery Silt Loam & Triassic Upland) Page 15 5) Proportion of Tolerant Individuals [(sum tolerant Individuals / total # of Fish) * 100] <59% 59-79% >79% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 6) Proportion of Individuals as Omnivores/generalists [(sum Omnivores/ generalists Individuals / total # of fish) * 100] <62% 62-81% >81% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 7) Proportion of Individuals as Pioneering Species [(sum pioneering Individuals / total # of fish) * 100] <53% 53-76% >76% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 8) Total number of individuals (Excluding tolerant sp.) [(sum of Individuals- excluding tolerant)] > <47 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 9) Proportion with disease/anomalies [(sum disease & anomalies / total # of fish) * 100] <2.6% % >6.2% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score < > PoorFairGoodExcellent Summation of Output Scores for each parameter divided by 9
Page 16 1) Total # of Fish Species (sum of all species) >8 5-8 <5 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 2) # of Riffle Benthic Insectivorous Individuals (sum of Benthic/insectivores Individuals) > <8 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 3) # of Minnow Species (sum of all Cyprinidae species) >5 3-5 <3 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 4) # of Intolerant Species (sum of intolerant species) >1 1 0 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score Silt Loam <60% 60-80% >80% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score <58% 58-79% >79% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 1 st & 2 nd Order MCDEP’s Fish Interim IBI (Silt Loam) 6) Proportion of Individuals as Omnivores/generalists [(sum Omnivores/generalists Individuals / total # of fish) * 100] 5) Proportion of Tolerant Individuals [(sum tolerant Individuals / total # of Fish) * 100]
Page 17 7) Proportion of Individuals as Pioneering Species [(sum pioneering Individuals / total # of fish) * 100] <52% 52-76% >76 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 8) Total number of individuals (Excluding tolerant sp.) [(sum of Individuals - excluding tolerant)] > <42 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 9) Proportion with disease/anomalies [(sum disease & anomalies / total # of fish) * 100] <2.4% % >4.1% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score < > PoorFairGoodExcellent 1 st & 2 nd Order MCDEP’s Fish Interim IBI (Metrics 7-9) (Silt Loam) Summation of Output Scores for each parameter divided by 9
Page 18 3 rd & 4 th Order Streams Channery Silt Loam & Triassic Upland 1) Total # of Fish Species (sum of all species) > <6 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 2) # of Riffle Benthic Insectivorous Individuals (sum of Benthic/insectivores Individuals) > <41 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 3) # of Minnow Species (sum of all Cyprinidae species) >6 4-6 <4 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 4) # of Intolerant Species (sum of intolerant species) >2 2 <2 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score <34% 34-67% >67% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 3 rd & 4 th Order MCDEP’s Fish Interim IBI (Channery Silt Loam & Triassic Upland) Silt Loam 5) Proportion of Tolerant Individuals [(sum tolerant Individuals / total # of Fish) * 100]
3 rd & 4 th Order MCDEP’s Fish Interim IBI (Metrics 6-9) (Channery Silt Loam & Triassic Upland) Page 19 <51% 51-75% >75% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 7) Proportion of Individuals as Pioneering Species [(sum pioneering Individuals / total # of fish) * 100] <28% 28-64% >64% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 8) Total number of individuals (Excluding tolerant sp.) [(sum of Individuals- excluding tolerant)] > <104 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 9) Proportion with disease/anomalies [(sum disease & anomalies / total # of fish) * 100] <6.1% % >7.2% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score < > PoorFairGoodExcellent 6) Proportion of Individuals as Omnivores/generalists [(sum Omnivores/generalists Individuals / total # of fish) * 100] Summation of Output Scores for each parameter divided by 9
Page 20 1) Total # of Fish Species (sum of all species) >9 5-9 <5 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 2) # of Riffle Benthic Insectivorous Individuals (sum of Benthic/insectivores Individuals) > <37 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 3) # of Minnow Species (sum of all Cyprinidae species) >6 4-6 <4 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 4) # of Intolerant Species (sum of intolerant species) >1 1 0 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score Silt Loam <44% 44-72% >72% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score <55% 55-77% >77% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 3 rd & 4 th Order MCDEP’s Fish Interim IBI (Silt Loam) 6) Proportion of Individuals as Omnivores/generalists [(sum Omnivores/generalists Individuals / total # of fish) * 100] 5) Proportion of Tolerant Individuals [(sum tolerant Individuals / total # of Fish) * 100]
Page 21 7) Proportion of Individuals as Pioneering Species [(sum pioneering species / total # of fish) * 100] <34% 34-67% >67% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 8) Total number of individuals (Excluding tolerant sp.) [(sum of species- excluding tolerant)] > <109 Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score 9) Proportion with disease/anomalies [(sum disease & anomalies / total # of fish) * 100] <10.1% % >13.4% Score 5 Score 3 Score 1 Output Score < > PoorFairGoodExcellent 3 rd & 4 th Order MCDEP’s Fish Interim IBI (Metrics 7-9) (Silt Loam) Summation of Output Scores for each parameter divided by 9