A Model of Metric Coherence Anja Fleischer
Introduction Is it proper to assign a regular accent structure to the notes according to the bar lines?
RUBATO Describes the metric structure of the notes without considering the time signature and bar lines(outer meter). All onsets of notes which are equally distanced form an inner local meter.
metric analysis all inner local meters containing at least three onsets. a = {0, 2, 4, 6}. Only maximal local meters are considered within the analysis a0 = {0, 2, 4} is not considered.
upbeat of coherent character
Metric coherence Whenever a correspondence between inner and outer metric structure can be stated, metric coherence occurs.
The longest local meter m of length k = 31 choosing l = 31.
Metric weight W25,2 W20, 2 W15,2
Metric weight W2,2 W2,3W2,3 W2,4W2,4 the greatest weights are located on the first beat of each measure
Schubert: Moment Musical op. 94 No. 4
Schumann’s Third Symphony
Listening experiments Credo-fugue from Bach’s B Minor Mess (46 persons) Outcome, a relationship was detected between metric coherence and the understanding of the corresponding interpretation by the listeners. Metric weights of higher degree of coherence led to a more convincing interpretation