Unit: Exploring the Unknown
The Performance Based Task will consist of multiple tasks completed over the course of a few days. Part 1 consists of closely analyzing an Anchor source, taking notes for comprehension, and answering text- dependent questions. Part 2 offers mixed media selections that reinforce the Exploring the Unknown Unit themes. Students will take notes on all mixed media selections. In Part 3, students will write an argument essay. This essay will allow students to apply their understanding of the mixed media sources to the anchor source.
Does technology advance our society or hinder it?
Use Student Resource Sheet 1 to analyze the David Palumbo painting on the next slide. Fill in as much of the chart as you can. Then answer the questions that follow on Student Resource Sheet 2. Provide text support for each answer.
“Though food and basic needs are relatively unchanged (and abundant), the social aspect of the family at dinner is unapologetically isolated as each individual pursues distractions.”
This is the END of Day 1. Make sure you have carefully analyzed Anchor Source 1. Review the answers you have provided to the text-dependent questions. Be sure you have provided evidence from the text for each of your answers!
Read and/or watch the following supplementary sources. Using the Cornell system, take notes on each of the sources on your own paper. Summarize each source at the bottom of your note sheet after previewing it.
Cornell Notes Step 1: Notes Take notes on the text and gather facts about the topic. Step 2: Questions Anticipate Quiz questions that would prompt the notes you took. Step 3: Summary Write a summary of the text.
Informational Text (non fiction) Directions: Read the following article and summarize the information. Source A--GMO Article Source A--GMO Article GT Students: Please use the article on the following slide instead.
Informational Text (non fiction) Directions: Read the following article and summarize the information. Source A--GMO Article Source A--GMO Article
You tube clip Directions: The following clip is a documentary of how technology can be used to assist paraplegics. Watch the video and take Cornell Notes— don’t forget the summary! You may need to watch it more than once and/or pause it to take notes. Source B Source B
Directions: Review information from the anchor source and both of the supplementary sources you analyzed and incorporate the information into a coherent, well-developed essay that argues a clear position on whether technology advances society or hinders it. Make sure your argument is central; use evidence from the ALL of the sources to support your reasoning. Avoid merely summarizing the sources. Indicate clearly from which sources you are drawing, whether through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary.
Complete Student Resource Sheet 3 as a graphic organizer for your 5-paragraph argument essay Locate evidence in each source to support your claim. Does technology advance society or hinder it? Have a peer (or two!) complete the revision checklist to revise your paper
Review Student Resource Sheet 4 before beginning your final assignment. Please read each item on the rubric carefully to make sure you fully understand the requirements for your essay.