EDIT Sustainability mechanisms Bertrand-Pierre Galey With contributions from Leo Kriegsman, Simon Tillier and the NSC
Starting point Sustainable network = virtual infrastructure under direction of a BoD 8 modules with high operational responsability Network Front Office / Executive secretariat ISTC (Informatics Scientific & Technological Committee, cybertaxonomy) ECBoL (European Consortium for Barcode of Life) ATBIs (All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories) DEST (Distributed European School of Taxonomy, training) Scratchpads EJT (European (e-) Journal of Taxonomy, publishing) DoC (Directors of Collections)
Model 1 (autonomous EDIT) Activities (1) - Each integrated activity is coordinated by one institution, which dedicates staff time to coordination, plus support when so decided ; - Each activity is defined / regulated by a MoU; not all the EDIT members participate necessarily in all activities - Each participating institution pays for its own participation, including dedicated staff time; - What participation consists in, in addition to meetings of representatives, varies according to the activities but all participate in the BoD and Network Office at some degree;
Model 1 (autonomous EDIT) Activities (2) - Activities are coordinated by a Network Office / Executive secretariat, which constitutes an unique entry point, acts as the BoD secretariat, links with CETAF, plus possibly lobbies, communicates, represents the consortium etc if wished so; - Directors of the institutions participating formally in at least one activity are members of the BoD; - Members contribute à la carte, except for the NO to which all contribute; - CETAF = umbrella
Meeting Bruxelles May 2008 Model 1 (autonomous EDIT) Summary) CETAF plenary other activities EDIT subset / BoD Contribution = 10K€ + activities activities involving variable subsets of institutions Network Office / Executive Secretariat Management Committee
Model 2 (EDIT/CETAF) Activities (1) - Each integrated activity is coordinated by one institution, which dedicates staff time to coordination, plus support when so decided ; - Each activity is defined / regulated by a MoU; not all the EDIT / CETAF members participate necessarily in all activities - Each participating institution pays for its own participation, including dedicated staff time; - What participation consists in, in addition to meetings of representatives, varies according to the activities, but all participate equally in the BoD and Network Office support ;
Model 2 (EDIT/CETAF) Activities (2) - All Directors of the EDIT/CETAF member institutions, whether involved in activities or not, are members of the BoD; -All activities of EDIT/CETAF are coordinated by a Network Office / Executive secretariat, which constitutes an unique entry point, acts as the CETAF secretariat including the BoD, plus possibly lobbies, communicates, represents the consortium etc if wished so; - All member institutions contribute equally to the Network Office (more than in the present CETAF) - EDIT = CETAF
Meeting Bruxelles May 2008 Model 2 (EDIT/CETAF) Summary BoD = all directors = CETAF General Assembly activities involving variable subsets of institutions CETAF Executive Committee = Management Committee Network Office / Executive Secretariat Contribution = 5 to 10K€ + activities
Action to be taken (1) Select either –Model 1 :« small » EDIT + CETAF umbrella (contributions to EDIT €?) –Model 2 : EDIT / CETAF incl raising CETAF fees (5000+€ ) –Conservative model: autonomous MoUs, low profile CETAF
EDIT/CETAF (EDIT +) actions to be taken Recommend the CETAF to raise the contributions to 5000+€ (BPG for the EDIT BoD) Instruct the Network Office to work toward merging the EDIT NO and the CETAF secretariat Instruct the NO and Steering Committee to work jointly with the CETAF on co-adaptation of EDIT+ MoUs and CETAF bylaws / standing orders Prepare accordingly the CETAF October meeting