Real Estate Markets & The Economy: An Empirical View
Real Estate Markets & The Economy: A Conceptual View
Digital Economy Paradigm Information All Levels Integration & Globalization of Markets Securitization of Debt & Equity Speed of Adjustment & Volatility
Three Evaluation Elements Efficiency Effectiveness Equity
The Three Stages of IT Economic Development Development of Technology Gestation for Aggregation, Access, Integration, Implementation, Adoption and Branding Maturation- Reintegration of Cyberspace with Bricks and Mortar
Real Estate Investment Analysis IS Risk Management
Identify Risks Risk Modification Strategies Alter Risk Evaluate Risk Removal Strategies
Yes, Virginia, there are three things that matter in Real Estate Investment Decision Making LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION
LOCATION Macro-Environment Sub-Region, City Level, Neighborhood Property Specific
GDP Growth % Source: Dept. of Commerce
Consumer Confidence Index Source: Conference Board
Personal Consumption Growth Rate % Source: BEA, DOC
Real Retail Sales Growth: Less Autos % Source: US Census
Growth in Consumer Credit % Source: Federal Reserve
Unemployment Rates: US & California % Source: BLS
Employment Growth Rate by Sector: December 1997 to December 1998 % Source: BLS
Annual Employment Change, California and US, 1973-Q Source: FCREUE from BLS data.
Capacity Utilization in Manufacturing % Source: Federal Reserve
Growth Rate of Real NonResidential Fixed Investment % Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis
Fixed Business Investment As Proportion of GDP (Including Structures & Equipment) Source: BEA
Residential Fixed Investment As Proportion of GDP Source: BEA
Interest Rates: 6 month vs. 30 year % Source: Federal Reserve
Spread Between MBS and 10 yr. Treasuries Source: FNMA, Federal Reserve %
Change In Consumer Price Index & Producer Price Index % Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Change in Labor Productivity in Manufacturing Source: BLS %
Change in Unit Labor Costs: Nonfarm Business Sector Source: BLS %
US Exports & Imports as Percentage of GDP % Source: Dept. of Commerce
US Trade Balance in Goods & Services $, Bill. Source: US Census Bureau
US Export Performance 1998 % Change Source: US Census Bureau
US Import Performance 1998 % Change Source: US Census Bureau
Growth Rate for Prices of Asian Imports % Source: DOC
Growth Rate of Export and Import Price Indices (EPI & IPI) % Source: DOCNote: EPI is ex-agricultural goods & IPI is ex-oil
Asian Exchange Rates: 1989=1 Source: Asian WSJ
Asian Exposure: US vs. California Percent of trade with Asia in total foreign trade ? Source: FCREUE calculations from US Dept. of Commerce & Census Bureau data
California's Computer Industry & Asia Source: FCREUE from MISER $, Bill.
Countervailing Drivers For US Economy Consumer is Happy (For the Moment) Employment Growth is Uneven Fixed Business Investment Remains Strong Housing Sector is Relatively Robust
Countervailing Drivers For US Economy Stable Energy Prices World-wide Generated Price Inertia High Real Interest Rates Low Nominal Interest Rates
Countervailing Drivers For US Economy Monetary & Fiscal Policy Prerogatives Export-Import Imbalance
Debt Owed By Non-Financial Sectors: As of 4th Quarter 1998 Source: Federal Reserve Flow of Funds
Commercial Mortgages: Assets Held by Sector $, Bill. Source: FRB
Net Commercial Mortgage Flows $, Bill. Source: Federal Reserve; Annualized quarterly data
CMBS Issuance $, Billions Source: Commercial Mortgage Alert, Lehman Brothers
Equity Capital Raised By REITS $, Millions Source: NAREIT, Lehman Brothers
Source: FHLMC
Median Sales Price of Existing Homes: US & California $, Thousands Source: NAR, CAR
Existing Single Family Home Sales Source: NAR Millions
US Housing Starts: Single Family & Multi-Family In Thousands. Source: US Bureau of the Census
Home Price Index Northern and Southern California Source: Real Estate Research Councils of Northern/Southern CA Price Index, April 1990=100
United States Office Vacancy Rates % Source: CB Commercial
US Residential Vacancy Rates % Source: CB Commercial
California’s Fastest Growing Large Sectors Annual Percent Change, Midyear Source: FCREUE from California EDD data.
California’s Fastest Growing Metropolitan Areas Annual Percent Change, Midyear Source: FCREUE from California EDD data.
California Metropolitan Areas with Largest Annual Employment Increases Midyear Source: FCREUE from California EDD data.
California Population and Household Growth Annual Percent Change, Source: FCREUE from California Dept. of Finance data.
Percent Change in Median Home Price Major California Metropolitan Areas * Includes Santa Clara. Source: California Association of Realtors.
Housing Affordability Index: US Vs. Selected California Areas, 1989, 1991, 1993 and 1999 Source: California Association of Realtors.
California Residential Building Permits Total Number of Units, E Source: FCREUE from Construction Industry Research Board data.
US Apartment Rents per Sq.Ft.: $/Sq.Ft Source: NREI
US Apartment Price per Sq.Ft.: $/Sq.Ft Source: NREI
US Office Price per Sq.Ft.: $/Sq.Ft Source: NREI
US Office Rent per Sq.Ft.: $/Sq.Ft Source: NREI
US Warehouse Rent per Sq.Ft.: $/Sq.Ft Source: NREI
US Warehouse Price per Sq.Ft.: $/Sq.Ft Source: NREI
US Retail Price per Sq.Ft.: $/Sq.Ft Source: NREI
US Retail Cap Rates.: Source: NREI
US Warehouse Cap Rates.: Source: NREI
US Office Cap Rates.: Source: NREI
US Apartment Cap Rates.: Source: NREI