Slide 1 Integrating Mobility Management and land use planning: Outputs Janina Welsch (ILS), Roberto De Tommasi (synergo), Tombo Rye (TRI, ENU), Aljaž Plevnik.


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Presentation transcript:

slide 1 Integrating Mobility Management and land use planning: Outputs Janina Welsch (ILS), Roberto De Tommasi (synergo), Tombo Rye (TRI, ENU), Aljaž Plevnik (Uni Maribor) (on behalf of whole MAX WPD Team) MAX Final Conference, Krakow, 15 th September 2009

slide 2 So why bother with Mobility Management? Programme of MM measures in Darlington, England, cost €923,000 in 2006/07. Impact: reduction of 12.8 million car km in one year (shorter journeys, shifts to walking and cycling, though not public transport). Total benefit about €7,936,000 (car operating cost to the individual of around €0.50 per km (petrol, insurance etc – UK Automobile Association figures) and an average external cost (pollution, accidents etc) of €0.12 per km, Rate of return 860% (or BCR of 8.6:1) in year one –figure excludes health benefits from switch to active travel. Typical rate of return from road and rail schemes 300% over years (Darlington case study from DfT (2007); external costs from

slide 3 WP D topic: Integration of MM and planning Planning and building permission process – great potential to integrate MM with: –Plan-making – so sites have a choice of transport modes –Building permission – so new developments have MM plans and measures in place from Day 1 WP D: research, practice and guidance to encourage integration

slide 4 Chapter 1 I ntroduction Chapter 1 I ntroduction Chapter 3 Integration of MM in the planning and building permit process of new developments Chapter 3 Integration of MM in the planning and building permit process of new developments Annex I Examples - Integration of land use with transport planning Annex I Examples - Integration of land use with transport planning Annex II Examples - Integration of MM at new developments Annex II Examples - Integration of MM at new developments Chapter 2 Integration of land use with sustainable transport planning Chapter 2 Integration of land use with sustainable transport planning GUIDELINES TOOLS / INSTRUMENTS D1 – D6 TOOLS / INSTRUMENTS D1 – D6 RECOMMENDATIONS / SUMMARIES E1 - E4 RECOMMENDATIONS / SUMMARIES E1 - E4 Output of WP D on 3 levels

slide 5 Chapter 1 I ntroduction Chapter 1 I ntroduction Chapter 3 Integration of MM in the planning and building permit process of new developments Chapter 3 Integration of MM in the planning and building permit process of new developments Annex I Examples - Integration of land use with transport planning Annex I Examples - Integration of land use with transport planning Annex II Examples - Integration of MM at new developments Annex II Examples - Integration of MM at new developments Chapter 2 Integration of land use with sustainable transport planning Chapter 2 Integration of land use with sustainable transport planning GUIDELINES TOOLS / INSTRUMENTS D1 – D6 TOOLS / INSTRUMENTS D1 – D6 RECOMMENDATIONS / SUMMARIES E1 - E4 RECOMMENDATIONS / SUMMARIES E1 - E4 Output of WP D on 3 levels

slide 6 What do guidelines cover and what not? Guidelines give practical advice to planners (and others) Input approach: –show policies existing in practice and how they are applied (Annexes B and C) Supporting outputs: –Powerpoint presentations –Model planning simulation workshop –Short information sheets on best practice Transferability of policies from one country to another –not treated in detail –readers have to judge if policy works in “their situation”

slide 7 Chapter 1 I ntroduction Chapter 1 I ntroduction Chapter 3 Integration of MM in the planning and building permit process of new developments Chapter 3 Integration of MM in the planning and building permit process of new developments Annex I Examples - Integration of land use with transport planning Annex I Examples - Integration of land use with transport planning Annex II Examples - Integration of MM at new developments Annex II Examples - Integration of MM at new developments Chapter 2 Integration of land use with sustainable transport planning Chapter 2 Integration of land use with sustainable transport planning GUIDELINES TOOLS / INSTRUMENTS D1 – D6 TOOLS / INSTRUMENTS D1 – D6 RECOMMENDATIONS / SUMMARIES E1 - E4 RECOMMENDATIONS / SUMMARIES E1 - E4 Output of WP D on 3 levels


slide 9 Integration of land use and sustainable transport Part B explains how to do this, gives practical examples

slide 10 Integration of land use with transport planning (Part B): Overview of policies Policy guidelines Policies derived from environmental laws Policies that are part of the plan-making process

slide 11 Chapter 1 I ntroduction Chapter 1 I ntroduction Chapter 3 Integration of MM in the planning and building permit process of new developments Chapter 3 Integration of MM in the planning and building permit process of new developments Annex I Examples - Integration of land use with transport planning Annex I Examples - Integration of land use with transport planning Annex II Examples - Integration of MM at new developments Annex II Examples - Integration of MM at new developments Chapter 2 Integration of land use with sustainable transport planning Chapter 2 Integration of land use with sustainable transport planning GUIDELINES TOOLS / INSTRUMENTS D1 – D6 TOOLS / INSTRUMENTS D1 – D6 RECOMMENDATIONS / SUMMARIES E1 - E4 RECOMMENDATIONS / SUMMARIES E1 - E4 Output of WP D on 3 levels

slide 12 Integration of MM in the planning & building permission process (Part C) Defines site-based MM, based on MAX definition Explains typical building permission process Highlights principal strategies to secure MM as part of planning & building permission process –setting the adoption of MM as a condition, as a task of negotiation or as a recommendation and advice –influencing amount of parking spaces at new development

slide 13 Better practice e.g. – Vodafone head office New office 3200 staff Small town 25,000 people Strong local economy

slide 14 Vodafone – building permission process used to secure: 2 new junctions Bus stops outside front of building with private service to town 1862 parking spaces (3200 staff) Direct pedestrian routes into town 72% staff drive alone – low for UK in location like this %

slide 15 (Part C): Promising policies supporting integration of MM – Overview of policies (Chapter 3.4.) Promotion of car-free housing Promotion of car-free housing Access Contingent Model for regulating car traffic at multifunctional developments Access Contingent Model for regulating car traffic at multifunctional developments Influencing set-up of MM through environmental legislation Maximum parking standards Maximum parking standards Parking pay-off Parking pay-off Securing MM through inclusion in the parking regulation Securing MM through inclusion in the parking regulation Securing MM through inclusion in planning conditions and obligations Securing MM through inclusion in planning conditions and obligations MM advice during the planning or building permission process Securing MM through negotiation