Elements of Fiction Jeopardy
Rules Four teams Three groups of four One group of three You must “buzz in” for every question…AFTER it is read You have 30 seconds to answer the question If answered correctly your team will get the point value If answered incorrectly your team will lose the possible point value AND another team is given the opportunity to “steal the question”
REMEMBER In a true Jeopardy game, you must answer the question as followed: “Who is…” “What is…”
Jeopardy Setting Characters Plot Conflict Theme/Symbolism Vocabulary 200 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Final Jeopardy
200 The definition of setting Answer: What is “time and place of a story”
400 The time period of Antigone Answer: What is “Ancient Greece”
600 Setting can set this Answer: What is “atmosphere”
800 Setting can tell readers about this Answer: “Who are the characters”
1000 The setting of “Occupation: Conductorette” Answer: “What is San Francisco”
200 There are this many types of character categories Answer: “What is 6”
400 Characters are defined as this Answer: “What is people or animals in a literary work”
600 In Antigone, Creon was this type of character Answer: “What is the antagonist”
800 Ismene was this kind of character Answer: “What is dynamic”
1000 The difference between a dynamic character and static character is this Answer: “What is, dynamic character changes but a static character remains the same”
200 A series or sequence of events in the story Answer: “What is plot”
400 The fourth step of the “triangle” Answer: “What is falling action”
600 The resolution is this Answer: “What is the conclusion, when the problem is solved”
800 The triangle looks like this (with labels) Answer: “What is… Exposition Resolution Rising Action Falling Action Climax
1000 When a sequence is interrupted to tell a story of the past Answer: “What is a flashback”
200 A struggle between two forces Answer: “What is a conflict”
400 There are this many types of conflict Answer: “What is four”
600 This is the following type of conflict Answer: “What is man versus man” or “human versus human”
800 The conflict a character faces internally Answer: “What is man versus self”
1000 Creon faced these types of conflict Answer: “What are man versus man, man versus self, and man versus society”
200 Central message of story Answer: “What is theme”
400 The symbol from the first short story we read and what it was capable of doing Answer: “What is the monkey’s paw and it was able to give 3 wishes…but you had to be careful HOW you wished for it”
600 The two laws expressed in Antigone Answer: “What are divine laws and human laws”
800 The theme can be both of these Answer: “What is directly stated or implied”
1000 Represented their possible future and escape to freedom/happiness in this novel Answer: “What is Of Mice and Men”
200 Defined as “examined carefully” Answer: “What is scrutinized”
400 An example of this Answer: “What is irony”
600 Credulity can be defined as this Answer: “What is tendency to believe too readily”
800 The 5 W’s and 1 H is categorized by this element of writing Answer: “What is context”
1000 The paradox of “Like the Sun” Answer: “What is that Sekhar told the truth and it cost him in the end”
FINAL JEOPARDY The acronym we learned about characterization and what each letter stands for Answer: “What is STEAL” Speech: dialogue Thoughts: usually italicized, inner character Effect on others: how they make others feel Action: what the characters do Looks: how characters appear