WiCam – Wireless iPhone Camera Anthony Blatner – Matthew Catanzaro – Thomas Knack Project Description Design Project Objectives The Team Department of Computer Engineering Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY Senior Design – Spring 2010 Acknowledgements Project Costs ComponentRetailerRetail CostQuantityCommentsTotal Cost Wireless Pan and Tilt Webcam *$ $ iPhoneApple$99.001Already Available$0.00 Mac ComputerApple$ Already Available (CS Dept.) $0.00 Apple iPhone SDKApple$0.001 Apple Developer License Apple$99.001Free for students$0.00 Wireless Access PointCisco$ RIT Network$0.00 Total$1,397.00$ The WiCam application will be able to display images from multiple webcams and change the selected webcam's orientation if it is equipped with appropriate pan and tilt capabilities. The accelerometer sensor, located within the iPhone, feels acceleration from external forces such as setting the iPhone in motion or stopping the iPhone from moving. The pan and tilt functionality will be controlled using the acceleration due to gravity felt by the iPhone in the x, y, and z axis. Alternatively, the pan and tilt functionality will also be available through touch screen buttons on the iPhone screen. 1. Dr. Roy Czernikowski for providing consultation and general support 2. RIT Computer Engineering Department for funding 3. Computer Science Department for supplying a Mac desktop and iPhone development environment 4. Rick Tolleson for helping acquire parts, webcam installation and general support 5. Joe Walton for helping with the webcam installation 6. Matt Prokop for his help installing the webcam and configuring the wireless router 7. Jim Spoth for his advice and support 8. Barry Egerter for his iPhone development consulation URL Parameter Passing The WiCam team would like to thank the following individuals for their support throughout the duration of course project: This technique was the main interfacing method used to remotely control the webcams used within this project. URL parameter passing first involves determining the address of the desired webcam. This can be either an IP Address or it can be a host name. The primary camera addresses used for this project were: Panasonic BL-C131A PTZ Webcam: ptzsenior.viewnetcam.com (pan/tilt capabilities) Axis 205 Webcam: axis205.rit.edu (no pan/tilt capabilities) Following this, commands could be sent to the webcams by appending the appropriate arguments to the end of the address and entering it within the URL address bar. This made for a very simple interface. CommandDescriptionParameterRestrictions Function Determines the operation to be performed FuncCan be set to Pan or Tilt AuthorizationSets the authorizationKind Can be set to 0 (General User) or 1 (Adminstrator) Pan/Tilt Direction Determines which direction the camera will move DegMode Can be set to 2 (Tilt Down), 4 (Pan Left), 6 (Pan Right) or 8 (Tilt Up) URL parameter passing arguments used to interface to the Panasonic PTZ webcam Example URL Command: - Tilts the webcam down by 5 degrees Allow for the addition of new webcams Select the video feed from available webcams Access webcam video feed remotely from the iPhone Pan and tilt the webcam using accelerometer data attained from the position of the iPhone or through the use of the iPhone touch screen features Freeze or enable pan and tilt controls Provide username and password support for secure webcam viewing and control User Interface From Left to Right: Anthony Blatner, Matthew Catanzaro, Thomas Knack