The Geant4 physics validation repository Hans Wenzel, PhD; Julia Yarba, PhD Fermilab Abstract The Geant4 collaboration regularly performs validation and regression tests where results obtained with a new Geant4 version are compared to data from various HEP experiments (validation) or the results of previous releases (regression). As the number of regularly performed validation tests increases and the collection of results grows, storing them and making them available to the collaborators and users community becomes a challenge. We decided to organize the materials in one central repository and to make them easily available via a web application. The database is maintained by the Fermilab database group. The Web application is running on the Fermilab FermiCloud Cloud services. Figure 1. Software components. Software Components PostgresSQL relational database: stores both simulated and experimental data in form of images with meta data or arrays of raw data points. The meta data describes the test and lists the references from where the experimental data for comparison was obtained from, as well as other parameters that describe the test (e.g. beam particle, on the data target material, etc.). Java API: based access object (DAO) design pattern and provides an abstract interface to the database. Web Application: based on Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is deployed on a GlassFish Application server. The web application allows to interactively select and overlay compatible data. The web application also provides security and authentication to grant access to groups of functions and data that are internal to the Geant4 collaboration, e.g. viewing results from development releases, upload of new tests and/or modification of selected tests. Figures 2-5 show different views provided by the Web Application. The page shown in: Figure 2: allows to select different experimental data sets and shows the selected data in one plot, Figure 3: allows to select various Geant4 simulations and compares the results to available experimental data, Figure 4: allows to select simulation results compared to experimental data where the result is stored as static images in the database, Figure 5: provides database statistics. Figure 3. Comparison of experimental data (green) with different Geant4 models. Requirements Modern look, meaningful search, easy to navigate menus. Based on modern internet technology and industry standards. Secure. Provide repository: to store experimental validation data as raw data, to store simulation results as raw data and as static images. Provide display web-applications which: allows to select and overlay compatible tests, allows to overlay experimental data, allows automatic upload into repository, allows to display static images, provides search functions and easy navigation. References Figure 4. Display of static images with metadata. Choice of technology Relational data base. Glassfish: Web Application server. Primefaces JSF based component framework to create modern looking web pages and easy to navigate menus. Integrated Development Environment Java programming language, Java EE JFREECHART Java library used to create the graphs Highcharts/jqplot javascript libraries to dynamically create graphs Figure 5. Database statistics. Conclusions We have created a repository to collect and organize Geant4 validation and regression test results as well as the experimental data used for validation. A Web Application allows easy access to this information for Geant4 collaborators and the general user community. Table 1. Technology choice Primefaces also used by: Figure 2. Display of experimental data. Contact Hans Wenzel Fermilab PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510-5011 Email: Website: Phone: 630 840 6034 Figure 2. Display experimental data.