Horizontal Wells - Applications in Mature Production Areas & A Kansas Field Demonstration by Saibal Bhattacharya Richard Pancake Paul Gerlach
Outline Tools for identifying candidate applications Production data analysis Geologic mapping Integration of production and geologic data Field level volumetrics Lease level volumetrics Field demonstration - horizontal infill well Reservoir characterization and Simulation Details of well work
Identifying candidate applications Production data - oil cut changes Heterogeneity Vertical K Compartments Poor sweep Residual reserves Schaben Field Ness County, Kansas
Identifying candidate applications Production data - IP & Cumulative data Welch-Bornholdt-Wherry Field, Rice County, Kansas Producing Formation: Mississippian
Identifying candidate applications Primary & Infill Production data Aldrich Field, Ness County, Kansas Discovered: 1929 Producing Formation: Mississippian Cum Prod: 1,044 MSTB 15 wells - 40 acre Primary production: 70 MSTB/well 8 Vertical Infill Wells Infill Well Original Well
Identifying candidate applications Primary & Infill Production data 8 Vertical Infill Wells Additional Production: 553 MSTB Approx: 70 MSTB / Infill well Excessive Spacing and Inadequate Drainage
Identifying candidate applications Geologic mapping - structure & derivative Fold Induced Fractures Welch-Bornholdt-Wherry Field, Rice County, Kansas
Identifying candidate applications Geologic mapping - structure & derivative Axis of Anticlinal Attic Hollow-Nikkel Field, Harvey County, Kansas
Identifying candidate applications Integrating Production & Geologic data Poor Sweep - Vertical Wells in Updip Stratigraphic Trap Welch-Bornholdt- Wherry Field Rice County, Kansas
Identifying candidate applications Field level volumetrics - OOIP/Qtr section Welch-Bornholdt-Wherry Fields Discovered: 1924 Producing Reservoir: Mississippian Osage Trap Type: Stratigraphic Cumulative Production: 60 MMBO Original Oil in Place per Quarter Section CI: 500 MBO / qtr. section Using data from one type well per 1/4 section = 10 MMBO = 5 MMBO
Identifying candidate applications Field level volumetrics - Rec. Eff/Qtr section Recovery Efficiency per Quarter Section CI: 2% = 18% Welch-Bornholdt-Wherry Fields = 2%
Identifying candidate applications Lease Level Volumetrics - Recovery factors Hodgeman County, Kansas Mississippian
Identifying candidate applications Lease Level Volumetrics - Recovery factors Horizontal Well Application in a Lease with Low Recovery Efficiency
Outline Tools for identifying candidate applications Field demonstration - horizontal infill well Reservoir characterization & Simulation Geologic model Reservoir model Engineering analysis Reservoir simulation History match Map residual reserves Performance prediction Details of well work
Reservoir Characterization Geologic Model Geologic model: log (Gr, Res), core, production, DST data Maps & cross- sections of Mississippian sub-units: 5 layered reservoir model
Reservoir Characterization Reservoir Model Identification of dominant lithofacies - core studies LP1, LP2, LP3 - moldic pack- wackestone HP1 & HP2 - moldic packstone Layer porosity - lower of that calculated from phi-K correlation, and the highest value measured on plugs with same dominant lithofacies
Reservoir Characterization - Storativity Layer LP1 Layer LP3 Layer LP2 Layer HP1 Layer HP2
Engineering Analysis Production History Reconstruction Lease production - allocated to wells Water production approximated when data unavailable - Ummel #2
Engineering Analysis Reservoir Simulation - History Match
Reservoir Simulation Mapping Residual Potential
Performance Prediction Performance Prediction - Infill
Outline Tools for identifying candidate applications Field demonstration - horizontal infill well Reservoir characterization and simulation Details of well work Original Plugged Wellbore Drill Out Cement Plugs & Set CIBP Set Whipstock & Mill Casing Drill Build Section Drill Lateral Section Set Liner Final Completion Coiled Tubing Workover
Original Plugged Well
Set Whipstock - Mill Casing
Running whipstock and starting mill Starting mill Shear bolt Whipstock
Drill Build Section
Drill Lateral Section
Directional Drilling Assembly Motor angle Drill bit screws here
Installing MWD Tool Pulpit transmits readings to surface by generating pressure pulses
Directional Drilling Trailer MWD computers MWD workbench
Reservoir Heterogeneity Strong Horizontal Heterogeneity 10’ - 100’ Interval Karst Controlled Result Poor Lateral Drainage Strong Horizontal Heterogeneity 10’ - 100’ Interval Karst Controlled Result Poor Lateral Drainage
Final Completion
Breakdown of Rig Time Approximate % of Work PerformedRig HoursTotal Drilling out cmt & setting CIBP Setting whipstock & milling csg Drilling build section (actual drilling time)(27.8) (8.0) Drilling lateral section (actual drilling time)(32.8) (9.4) Setting liner through the curve Total
Drilling & Completion Costs Intangible Drilling Costs$317,497 Intangible Completion Costs$ 32,422 Equipment$ 44,765 Total$394,684 DOE Reimbursement$116,776 Net Cost to Mull Drilling Co.$277,908
Initial Production IP: 85 BOPD & 54 BWPD (4/29/00) Daily Prod: 55 BO& 50 BW for 2-1/2 months (May to mid-July) with 1000’ of fluid over pump
Initial Production Problems July 31 st production: 18 BOPD & 32 BWPD, pumped off
Complete Production Loss
Workover Operations
Halliburton coiled tubing and nitrogen foam equipment
Weatherford 2.6” mill and mud motor Mud motor 2.6” mill
Testing 1-1/2” jetting nozzle
Workover Operations
Lessons Learned Operational Flexibility (Maintain Your Options) New Well vs. Reentry Hole Size Drilling Fluids Case off the Curve Line the Lateral Good Planning Communication “The Lateral is a Piece of Cake” Horizontal Heterogeneity
Applying What We Learned Horizontal Well Supported Reservoir Characterization Mechanical Failure Made Horizontal Well Uneconomic Application of Reservoir Characterization Resulted in Extremely Successful Workover in the Field