Customer Profitability Traps Growth Illusion Illusion of Averages Failure to Act Management does not understand the profit it can expect from each new customer. Management is unaware of the profit that comes from the best 20% and the worst 20% of its customers. The strategic plan is disconnected from the profitability of customers.
Min-Yo Lee University of Notre Dame Operations Strategies
Min-Yo Market Opportunities Subcontracted Brands Special Garments Licensed Brands Manufacturing Process
Min-Yo Tidbits 1.The process is set to produce Thunder shirts in Week 1. 2.There is a past-due order of Thunder shirts of 200 units. 3.Each Dragon shirt order must incur a changeover of 20 hours. 4.If you ever refuse a Thunder shirt order, you are out of the Thunder Shirt business. 5.Open order file in Min-Yo Tables must be updated each week, otherwise you will not have any demands.