Wireless technologies in educational research
Bulger | October 2005CS 595: Technology & Society Seminar Overview Family tree Qualitative approach Quantitative methods Wireless technologies in educational research Sample classroom applications
Bulger | October 2005CS 595: Technology & Society Seminar Educational research family tree Convergence of multiple disciplines: –Composition –Psychology –Linguistics –English –Anthropology –Teacher practitioners Multiple backgrounds = multiple research methods
Research methods
Bulger | October 2005CS 595: Technology & Society Seminar Qualitative approach In situ: Natural setting Observation Interview –Focus groups –Think aloud protocols Discourse analysis / Conversation analysis Textual analysis Practitioner experience Products: Ethnography (thick description), Case study, Oral history
Bulger | October 2005CS 595: Technology & Society Seminar Quantitative methods Survey Pre-test / Post-test Experimental design (control group, treatment) Product: Statistical analysis, IMRD-type papers
Wireless technologies
Bulger | October 2005CS 595: Technology & Society Seminar Wireless technologies in educational research What types of studies are possible? –Engagement –Comprehension –Interaction/collaboration Patterns of research How do these devices assist in measurement?
Bulger | October 2005CS 595: Technology & Society Seminar Sample classroom applications Cell phones (M-learning) –Class updates via RSS –In-class feedback –After class note to instructor –Forum posts PDA –Participatory simulations –In-class feedback –“Probeware” Laptops