Apostleship of Prayer Eucharistic Youth Movement.


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Presentation transcript:

Apostleship of Prayer Eucharistic Youth Movement

Apostleship of Prayer History: The AP is born in Vals, in 1844, in times of a missionary expansion of the Church

The young Jesuits wanted to be missionaries now.

Father Gautrelet, the day of the feast of Saint Francis Xavier: « We can be apostles through prayer, offering our lives, learning to do God’s will in all things. »

The Daily Offering God, our Father, I offer You my day. I offer You my prayers, thoughts, words, actions, joys, and sufferings in union with Your Son Jesus’ Heart, Who continues to offer Himself in the Eucharist for the salvation of the world. May the Holy Spirit, Who guided Jesus, be my guide and my strength today so that I may witness to Your love. With Mary, the mother of our Lord and of the Church, I pray especially for this month's intentions as proposed by the Holy Father.

The Heart of Jesus Father Ramière The Pope’s intentions

Today Where are we ? In 90 countries, with over 40 million members. The most numerous local APs : Brazil, Philippines, Italy, Angola, Portugal, a few other countries…

Two models : The MOVEMENT model: Parish groups, Diocesan directors, Regular meetings, Gatherings

The SERVICE model: A Church service, not a movement, A spirituality for today, Easy, practical, simple and profound. I live my day with Jesus!

In the first model, in many places we live a situation of crisis: Members are growing old, there is no renewal of the people, nor the practices, the numbers are going down.

We live in a world in crisis, and in a Church in crisis… But let’s not forget that the word « crisis » can mean danger and opportunity.

Not only a devotion, rather a SPIRITUALITY, rooted in the Daily Offering, the Eucharist and our Baptism, with devotional aspects, always optional, such as the First Fridays, Holy Hour, Consecration to the Heart of Jesus, etc. The Apostleship of Prayer: A spirituality that offers a way to Sanctity for the Christian of the Third Millennium. Daily life is valued and all we do can become prayer. AP helps us seek and find God in all things.

We find here the basic spirituality of the Church: Jesus and his Heart The Eucharist Prayer Church sense Apostleship Mission Service

Ecclesial and at the same time very Ignatian: We live an inner struggle in a world that challenges our faith. We wish to live for God and to find him in all things. – The AP puts our lives in the path of the Eternal King (Sp. Ex. 91), – We renew daily our choice for the Standard of Christ (Sp. Ex. 136), – We find true meaning for our lives: our vocation is to praise, reverence, and serve God our Lord, « choosing only what is most conducive for us to the end for which we are created » (Sp. Ex. 23, PF). – We are reminded daily of the spiritual attitude that resumes the Exercises, offering ourselves by saying « Take, Lord, and receive … » (Sp.Ex. 234).

The AP helps us find meaning and unity to our lives, and it all makes new sense!

The Eucharistic Youth Movement Our youth branch, the old Eucharistic Crusade (Mouvement Eucharistique des Jeunes - MEJ)

A Movement To live in Jesus’ friendship

in a Eucharistic spirituality

giving Christian identity to young people,

putting their lives to the service of the world.

Where are we? In 42 countries Most numerous in Madagascar, Burundi, France, Egypt, Italy, Angola, Chile.

Living the Style of Jesus

Towards the 2012 World Gathering