SOSOSY Quality of Implementation Tool Year 3 Implementation Rating Rubric Overview, Scoring, and Reporting May 2, 2015 META Associates
The QI Tool Addresses the Year 3 Plan activities/strategies 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5, 1.2.6, (See the SOSOSY Year 3 Plan and the FII) Focuses on continuous improvement in the implementation of SOSOSY services Allows flexibility in who will administer it and at which sites Consists of a rubric with 8 key elements Page 2 contains information, directions, and space for additional comments
Directions for Administering the QI Place an X through the rating that best reflects your site’s condition for each of the 8 elements. If you are completing the QI electronically, shade the rating in yellow. If a particular element is not applicable, draw a line through the column.
Directions for Administering (Cont.) Administer at 3 sites prior to August 28, (Small states at 1 or 2 sites, as feasible) Return the QI tools to the State MEP director or SOSOSY coordinator by 9/1/15. Director/coordinator sends them to META by ASAP after 9/1/15 Fill in the identifying info (QI page bottom) 5-point rubric (1=beginning implementation; 5=highly effective implementation)
QI Key Elements 1)Individual Needs assessment (NA) 2)websites 3)TA and PD 4)ID&R 5)Program NA 6)Use of pre/post assessments 7) Use of data for differentiation of instruction/services 8)Use of data for pro- gram improvement
QI Evidence Potential evidence suggestions are provided for key elements; however, states may have other types of evidence (i.e., assessments, artifacts) Documentation of evidence and comments to support the ratings can be included in the last column (Comment) on the front of the QI or on the Additional Comments section on page 2 of the QI.
Quiz! How many key elements are on the QI? How many QI’s must be administered? By what date must the QI be administered at local MEP sites? By when do local sites turn in their QI’s? To score Highly Effective on the QI for Element #3 (TA & PD), what evidence should be in place?
QI Practice You have 5 minutes. You have an envelope containing information describing a site. Complete the identifying information at the QI bottom. Then mark the QI rubric based on the information in the envelope. At the end of 5 minutes we will debrief.
Example A (sample site) for training* Site A is in its first year of SOSOSY implementation and operates during the summer. OSY needs are assessed during interviews using the OSY Profile. The 3 staff have had little time to explore resources and websites, and have been involved in 1 training on OSY curriculum, assessments, and resources. They are using several of the SOSOSY materials and administer pre/post assessments, do progress monitoring, and are just beginning to use the results for making improvements to the program. *NOTE: Expand or change this example to fit your state situation. Cut the example out and place it in an envelope for training.
Example B (sample site) for training* Site B is a mature SOSOSY site that has operated for the past six years during the summer and regular school year. Student needs are assessed by recruiters and then project staff on the COE, OSY Screener, and a local needs assessment. The results are used for directing instruction through the use of a local Student Success Plan. Site B staff have trained other local sites on SOSOSY lessons, assessments, resources, and ID&R and always turn it their evaluation forms with high ratings. They have systems in place for ongoing progress monitoring of OSY and meet weekly as a staff to analyze and use the results to focus instruction. *NOTE: Expand or change this example to fit your state situation. Cut the example out and place it in an envelope for training.