Honduras Flag
Geography Capital City: TegucigalpaCapital City: Tegucigalpa Area: 112,090 sq kmArea: 112,090 sq km Bordering Countries: Nicaragua, El Salvador, GuatemalaBordering Countries: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala Has Both Atlantic and Pacfic coast linesHas Both Atlantic and Pacfic coast lines Map of Country Larger Overview Map of Region Climate: Subtropical in Lowlands, Temperate in MountainsClimate: Subtropical in Lowlands, Temperate in Mountains Industries: sugar, coffee, textiles, clothing, wood productsIndustries: sugar, coffee, textiles, clothing, wood products Agricultural Products: bananas, coffee, citrus, beef, timber, shrimpAgricultural Products: bananas, coffee, citrus, beef, timber, shrimp
History Originally part of Mayan empireOriginally part of Mayan empire Conquered and colonized by SpanishConquered and colonized by Spanish Location and geography prefect for growing fruitsLocation and geography prefect for growing fruits Industrial Powers began to exploit monocultureIndustrial Powers began to exploit monoculture Economy became dependent upon fruit exportEconomy became dependent upon fruit export Led to debt crisis as country began to industrialize after RevolutionLed to debt crisis as country began to industrialize after Revolution Appropriate Historical Image – United Fruit Company Map of Central America.
Current Events “Honduras in healthcare emergency” Article Summary: Honduras’ healthcare system is in crisis due to lack of funding and not being able to provide sufficient medicine to treat its citizens.Honduras’ healthcare system is in crisis due to lack of funding and not being able to provide sufficient medicine to treat its citizens.Examination: Large amount of Urban poor from rural areas causing receding tax base, related to historical exploitationLarge amount of Urban poor from rural areas causing receding tax base, related to historical exploitation 48% of country lives below the poverty line – UN Development Goals48% of country lives below the poverty line – UN Development Goals Economy still unstable and dependent upon its agricultural base and cheap laborEconomy still unstable and dependent upon its agricultural base and cheap labor
Development Goals 22% Malnourishment22% Malnourishment 48% Live below Poverty Line48% Live below Poverty Line 21% live on 1 dollar a day – highest in region21% live on 1 dollar a day – highest in region Connections: Exploitation of monoculture led to slow development of economy leading to high incidents of poverty as people move to the city.