Exam questions h/w Read TWO other essays. Peer assess. 1)Academic language? 2)Knowledge correct and clear? 3)Supported by evidence and examples? 4)Key.


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Presentation transcript:

Exam questions h/w Read TWO other essays. Peer assess. 1)Academic language? 2)Knowledge correct and clear? 3)Supported by evidence and examples? 4)Key words and concepts used appropriately? Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Peer assess 1

Shared feedback Wednesday, June 10,

LQ: What are Christian approaches to marriage? To assess Christian attitudes to marriage including the purpose of marriage. Wednesday, June 10,

Connect!  ‘God created humankind in his image,  …male and female he created them.  God blessed them and said to them,  “Be fruitful and multiply…”  Genesis 1:27-28  ‘A man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife and they become one flesh’. Genesis 2:24 Wednesday, June 10,

Diverse range of views but…  Most Christians would agree that marriage is ordained by God as part of the created order.  This is based on Genesis accounts of creation. Wednesday, June 10,

This was reaffirmed by Jesus…  When questioned about divorce Jesus said “…So they are no longer two but one flesh” (Mark 10:8)  Marriage is a sacrament  Permanent and life long Wednesday, June 10,

What is the purpose of marriage? Wednesday, June 10,

Answer:  The purpose of marriage is expressed in different ways in different traditions but includes:  mutual love and support  strengthening the bond of love and affection through their sexual relationship  and the procreation of children.  “A cord of three strands can never be broken” Ecclesiastes 4:12 Wednesday, June 10,

Exam question:  ‘Marriage is an outdated institution. Basing a modern approach to marriage on ancient religious traditions is no longer acceptable’.  Evaluate this view from the perspective of one major world religion. Wednesday, June 10,

Quiz: adultery sanctity of marriage Catechism secular marriage divine covenant reconciliation sacrament Wednesday, June 10,

LQ: What are Christian attitudes to adultery? To be able to explain and evaluate Christian attitudes to adultery. Wednesday, June 10,

What do we know about Christianity? (10 mins)  Brainstorm Wednesday, June 10,

What are the 5 reasons why Christians might disagree with adultery? Wednesday, June 10,

Adultery is against the moral law of Christianity because:  It denies the sacramental nature of marriage  It undermines the sanctity of marriage  It breaks the marriage vows (promises)  It threatens the family unit (family is a cornerstone of society)  It is a sign of promiscuity and lust Wednesday, June 10,

Ten commandments:  “You shall not commit adultery” (Exodus)  Do you agree with adultery? Why?  Is adultery immoral if there is genuine love involved? Wednesday, June 10,

What do you think of this...?  “You have heard that it was said ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Jesus – Matthew 5:27-28) Wednesday, June 10,

Compare a religious marriage with a secular marriage. Christian marriageSecular marriage Wednesday, June 10,

LQ: What are Christian attitudes to divorce? To be able to explain and evaluate Christian attitudes to divorce. Wednesday, June 10,

The Catechism says:  “Divorce is a grave offence against Natural Law...it does injury to the covenant of salvation, of which sacramental marriage is a sign.” Wednesday, June 10,


“...What I tell you is this: If a man divorces his wife for any cause other than unchastity he involves her in adultery; and whoever marries her commits adultery” (Matthew 5:32) Wednesday, June 10,

Written task:  ‘Divorce is too easy in British society today.’ Examine this view from the perspective of one major world religion. Wednesday, June 10,

HW 1)Apply marriage, divorce and adultery with to Natural Law, Utilitarianism and Situation Ethics. 2)REVISE!! 3)Read through Sex before Marriage chapter Wednesday, June 10,