Music from Brazil (Samba) Learning Objectives To learn the names of traditional Samba instruments To learn the play the rhythmic patterns of Samba music Compose and perform own Samba piece as a group
Samba facts Q. What country is Samba music from? 2
Samba facts Q. What country is Samba music from? A. Brazil 3
Samba facts Q. What year was it ‘invented’? 4
Samba facts Q. What year was it ‘invented’? A. 1930 – a group of musicians led by Ismael Silva founded first Samba school; Deixa (‘day-shar’) Falcar 5
Samba facts Q. What 2 continents are involved in creating Samba music? 6
Samba facts Q. What 2 continents are involved in creating Samba music? A. Africa and South America – similar to Blues, slaves taken from Africa in 19th Century to Brazil 7
Samba facts Q. At which time of the year is Samba usually performed at carnivals and street parties? 8
Samba facts Q. At which time of the year is Samba usually performed at carnivals and street parties? A. Just before Lent (@January/February) 9
Samba facts Q. What word beginning with ‘P’ means ‘lots of different rhythms playing altogether’? 10
Samba facts Q. What word beginning with ‘P’ means ‘lots of different rhythms playing altogether’? A. ‘Polyrhythms’ 11
Samba facts Q. What term, which is also used in African music, describes the act of one person performing and other people performing afterwards? 12
Samba facts Q. What term, which is also used in African music, describes the act of one person performing and other people performing afterwards? A. Call and response 13
Samba facts Q. What term beginning with ‘C’ describes the mixture of rhythms in 3 and rhythms of 4? A. C_ _ _ _ - r _ y _ _ _ _ 14
Samba facts Q. What term beginning with ‘C’ describes the mixture of rhythms in 3 and rhythms of 4? A. Cross - rhythms 15
Samba facts Q. What key term beginning with ‘O’ means a repeating pattern or rhythm? A. O s _ _ _ _ t o 16
Samba facts Q. What key term beginning with ‘O’ means a repeating pattern or rhythm? A. Ostinato 17
Other facts Conductor – whistle and/or hand gestures Rhythmic ‘togetherness’ and teamwork – key ingredients! 18
Agogo Tamborim Surdo (‘Sir-doo’) Timbales Ganza Caixa (‘Kye-sha’) Repinique (‘Hepini-kay’) Ganza Caixa (‘Kye-sha’) Reco-reco ‘He-ko He-ko’ Apito
Samba performance We will be learning a simple class Samba and then you’ll get the chance to develop your own. We will be working with a shaker pattern and a drum pattern incorporating all the main elements of a Samba. 20
Samba performance When you develop your own Samba you may want to incorporate some of the rhythms on the next two slides and improve your POLYRHYTHMS and CROSS RHYTHMS. 21
Basic Samba rhythms
Advanced Samba rhythms ‘1, 2, 3, 4, 5….ba-na-na’ ‘Low, Hi, Low, A-go-go’ ‘Have you seen a dog, a great, big dog?’ ‘Rhyth-m bo-nan-za’ x2
Structure to use Intro: call and response (“How are you?” “I’m fine” x2, “Yes?”, “Sure!” x2 and 7 beats) Main groove – all instruments Break – 8 beat rhythm played twice Mid-section – call and response section End (same as the intro?)
Rhythms! Each person will need a different rhythm for the main groove, break and mid-section There isn’t as much improvisation in Samba as there is in African – remember your rhythms! Have a balance of more straightforward and complicated rhythms – big drums can keep the beat going 25
Task! Be aware there are 12 in a group – it’ll be rather loud….! Make sure the start, bit between sections and the ending are smooth and well-rehearsed Make sure both groups have a share of the different timbres/sounds of instruments Any questions? 26
Task! Go!!!! 27
Go! Task! How many instruments can you remember…? Try to memorise as many as possible in 30 seconds Ready…? Go! 28
Agogo Tamborim Surdo Timbales Repinique Ganza Caixa Reco-reco Whistle 29
Name the instruments!
Name the instruments!
Name the instruments!
Name the instruments!
Name the instruments!
Name the instruments!
Name the instruments!
Name the instruments!
Homework! Create a Samba band flyer/poster Imagine a Samba band is coming to Farnborough Hill to perform Information to include: a date/time/place for the concert, limited information on the origins of Samba, instruments, pictures and why people should come to listen! 46