6 th International Building Physics Conference Building Physics for a Sustainable Built Environment First Author a, Second Author b, Third Author a,b, a First affiliation, Address, City and Postcode, Country b Second affiliation, Address, City and Postcode, Country Title of the paper
2 Name, Surname (Presenting author) Title of the paper 6 th International Building Physics Conference PRESENTATION INSTRUCTIONS The oral presentation is 12 minutes in length; After the presentation, 3 minutes are reserved for questions; Consider approximately 1 minute per slide. The slides can be prepared as PowerPoint or PDF-presentations; Use this document as a template if you use MS-Power Point; Please stick to the defined style of the presentation.
3 Name, Surname (Presenting author) Title of the paper 6 th International Building Physics Conference SLIDE TITLE The slide title should be in Calibri of size 40 point and capitalized; Do not exceed 1 line for the title If you prefer you can number the slide titles (e.g. 1. INTRODUCTION, etc)
4 Name, Surname (Presenting author) Title of the paper 6 th International Building Physics Conference PRESENTATION MAIN BODY Instructions Text should be typed in Calibri of 22 point size; If necessary, headings should use font size of 22 point and bold. Please write short sentences; Avoid using more than 2-3 colors for text and illustrations; Avoid using only capital letters and underlining; Avoid extensive use of fading and other animations.
5 Name, Surname (Presenting author) Title of the paper 6 th International Building Physics Conference CONCLUSION Please practice your presentation for not exceeding the timing. See you in Turin!