Comprehension Check Chapters 7 and 8
Chapter 7 1. Explain how the newchildren are identified before they are named. Newchildren are given a number which corresponds to the order in which they were born during the year. This number is preceded by the number of their current age group.
2. Tell how the Chief Elder is determined 2. Tell how the Chief Elder is determined. The Chief Elder is elected every ten years. 3. Summarize the behavioral goals of the Elevens and the younger children. The goal is to fit in, to standardize their behavior. They are to curb any impulse that might set them apart from the group.
4. Examine the character of Fiona and her abilities 4. Examine the character of Fiona and her abilities. Fiona is an excellent caretaker, sensitive, gentle, and tender with the Old. 5. Analyze how many students are assigned to each job per year, and how this ensures a steady flow of workers for the community. One student is assigned to each job each year. This ensures the community has a constant cycle of workers in each position.
6. Articulate why using precise language is important to the community 6. Articulate why using precise language is important to the community. It is important to use precise language throughout the community to keep the language standardized. Precise language eliminates the use of slang and forces the speaker to examine and express his/her thoughts more clearly.
7. Explain how Asher was disciplined for using the incorrect word for “snack.” Access whether he received an appropriate or inappropriate consequence for misusing a word. Provide reasons to support your answer. Asher was struck with the discipline wand each time his used “smack” for “snack”. The first time a word is used incorrectly it was a lash to the hands and then would escalate to a series of painful lashes to the legs. The punishment could be harsh for such a young child, because it caused Asher to stop speaking for a time.
8. What is Asher’s Assignment 8. What is Asher’s Assignment? How does this Assignment affirm the Committee’s choice of Assignments? Asher is assigned the job of Assistant Director Recreation. This job seems like a perfect match for Asher’s personality and skills that have been observed by the Elders. 9. Describe what occurs as Jonas waits to be called to the stage. Jonas’s number is skipped.
10. Explain what Jonas thinks when his number is skipped 10. Explain what Jonas thinks when his number is skipped. Jonas thinks he may have forgotten his number. He feels embarrassed, afraid, shame, assumes he has done something wrong, and he wants to disappear.
Chapter 8 1. Describe the applause when Jonas is finally called to the stage. The applause was scattered rather than a swell of excited applause. 2. “Discomfort” is frequently used to describe the community’s feelings. Why are the citizens uncomfortable? What adjectives may more precisely describe the community’s feelings? Uncertain about what may occur and many of the community’s rules and interactions contain an ominous tone or feeling. Other adjectives could be anxious, frightened, concerned.
3. Contrast how Jonas anticipated he would approach the stage with how he actually does so. Jonas planned to approach the stage with a self- assured walk, but he ends up being clumsy and out-of-sorts. 4. Write a description of the Receiver. The Receiver is with the Elders, but apart from them. He is an older gentleman with a beard and pale eyes.
5. Explain why the community could not afford another failure with the Receiver-in-Training? The community couldn’t afford a failure with the Receiver-in-Training because the last one had a problem which had negative consequences for the community. 6. List the rules which govern the Receiver-in- Training. The rules are the position can’t be modified once it is assigned, the person is to be alone during his training, and it is the most honored job in the community.
7. List and explain the five qualities the Receiver must possess 7. List and explain the five qualities the Receiver must possess. Intelligence – top student Integrity – follows rules and willingly accepts chastisement Courage – will undergo physical pain and will experience things that only the previous Receivers have experienced Wisdom – ability to make important decisions Capacity to See Beyond – sees something beyond what is experienced in the community
8. Explain Jonas’s reaction to Seeing Beyond 8. Explain Jonas’s reaction to Seeing Beyond. Jonas does not think he has the ability to See Beyond at first, but as he looks at the audience he experiences a flicker of something different. 9. Based on what you know about the Receiver, would you want this Assignment. Provide reasons to support your answer. (Answers will vary with students.)
10. How does Jonas feel about becoming the Receiver-in-Training 10. How does Jonas feel about becoming the Receiver-in-Training? When Jonas is selected as the Receiver-in-Training he feels thankful, proud, and fearful.