EngageNY.org Identifying CCSS-Aligned Instruction Recognizing Effective Instructional Practices.


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Presentation transcript:

EngageNY.org Identifying CCSS-Aligned Instruction Recognizing Effective Instructional Practices

Purpose of this Session Participants will be able to  Identify instructional decisions that are consistent with effective implementation of the NY ELA Modules.  Support the use of Evidence Guides as a tool to identify CCSS-aligned practices in the ELA classroom.  Recognize closely aligned instructional practices within ELA 9.1 lessons.  Detect “red flags” in teacher and student practices that do not align with the Common Core. EngageNY.org2

Welcome Discussion: Read the quote below. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss at your table. “Learning new ways of teaching and leading will be critical. However, unlearning old habits will pose the greatest challenge to school leaders.” Dr. Mel Riddile, NASSP EngageNY.org 3

Developing Expectations for Instructional Practice Successful implementation of the CCSS will require shifts in instructional practice. Standards alone will not ensure fidelity, teachers will do this. Schools must create clear, measurable, guidance on Common Core instructional practice aligned to New York State Metrics and Expectations document.New York State Metrics and Expectations EngageNY.org4

Importance of Shared Vision for Classroom Lessons Common language and understanding of the instructional shifts inherent in the CCSS is critical:  Creating a common language to ensure clear communication  Establishing a clear and well defined, shared vision of the expectations for CCSS-aligned instruction  Understanding the instructional shifts inherent in the CCSS EngageNY.org5

Key Components of CCSS- Aligned Lesson – Teacher Text at Center of Lesson Time spent engaged with text Questions & tasks text- dependent Evidence and precision expected EngageNY.org6

Key Components of CCSS- Aligned Lesson – Student EngageNY.org7 Persist in efforts when engaged with complex texts Construct meaning collaboratively Support answers with textual evidence Transfer learning to new experiences - deeper understanding

Assessing Instructional Practice with Evidence Guides Aligns with Common Core Provides specific and measurable practices Leads to appropriate alignment of expectations across the system Enables evidence of teacher practice and student work to be gathered and communicated EngageNY.org8

Talk About It! Review the ELA Evidence Guide, focusing on the Core Action Areas and Likert Scale.  Is there enough information to make an accurate determination of evidence based on the scale?  What additional clarifications would a school leader need to accurately assess CCSS alignment? As A Table Group Discuss: How could the Evidence Guide be used to support clarity and consistency during classroom walkthroughs and support learning for both leaders and teachers? EngageNY.org9

Exploring Romeo and Juliet In pairs, review Lesson 7 of Romeo and Juliet. Using the Evidence Guide, highlight CCSS- aligned practices found within the lesson. Identify CCSS-aligned instructional practices that can be observed during a walkthrough, which will ensure effective implementation of the lesson. EngageNY.org10

Red Flags: Signs of Non-Alignment EngageNY.org11 Romeo and Juliet has been taught in high school for decades in a traditional, non-CCSS aligned format. Changing long standing instructional practices are inherently difficult as instructional decisions may be based on practices of habit rather than instructional intent.

Talk About It! Discuss in table groups: What types of instructional practices could be present in Lesson 7 that would be red flags indicating the lesson is not well aligned to the module? (Old instructional habits) EngageNY.org12

From the Student Lens Revisit Lesson 7. Using the Evidence Guide, highlight Core Area 3 focusing on student practices that should be observed during the lesson. What student actions should be observed during the lesson to ensure all students are actively engaged in an aligned lesson? What “red flags” would be present in the classroom if the lesson was not aligned? EngageNY.org13

Talk About It! After diving into the module to assess CCSS- aligned practices, reflect on the following:  How did digging into the lesson affirm your understanding of the strong connection between the ELA Module 9.1 and the Evidence Guide indicators?  Why would this activity be important as you assess “traditional” ELA lessons?  How can you message to staff the importance of effectively implementing the unit? EngageNY.org14

Implications for School Leaders Key Components for School Wide Implementation:  Common Understanding of Expectations  Alignment of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessments  Strong Leadership  Resources and Structures Supporting Implementation EngageNY.org15

Discussion and Reflection What opportunities exist for the use of the ELA Evidence Guide in assessing level of implementation of Module 9.1? What are the major challenges and opportunities? What additional supports will you or your staff need in order to feel successful with this work? EngageNY.org16

Q & A EngageNY.org17

CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT CIRCULATE Pulse Check Please go to engageny.org/novnti and fill out the online plus-delta for the Strategies for Adaptation session. Thank You! EngageNY.org

CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT CIRCULATE Online Parking Lot Please go to engageny.org/novnti and select “Online Parking Lot” for any NYSED related questions. Thank You! EngageNY.org