Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM)


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Presentation transcript:

Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) This project is funded by the European Union A project implemented by an ICCS-NTUA Consortium Service Contract for a “Review of implementation of centrally managed projects and programmes financed by the EU under the thematic programmes (CMTPs) EVA/2014/353-590 A European Union’s Project Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) EU DEAR Programme - Inception Seminar Brussels, 29 April 2015

CONTENTS 1. ROM System and ROM CMTP Project 2. DST – ROM CMTP / Areas for Collaboration

1. ROM System and ROM CMTP Project

1.1 ROM Definition (what) ROM is a system designed to assist the EC services in monitoring of and reporting on EU funded development and cooperation projects and programmes by mobilising external consultants

1.2 ROM general objectives (why) - To increase transparency and accountability in the use of public funds. - To shift to a results based assessment of aid rather than one based mostly on commitments and disbursements. - To improve the quality of cooperation with projects and programmes through the provision of timely, relevant, and well-focussed conclusions and recommendations.

1.3 ROM Stakeholders (who) EU Institutions EU Council (Consilium): 28 Heads of the EU Member States + EU Council President + President of the EC who define the EU's overall political direction and priorities. European Parliament: 751 members directly elected by the EU voters who exercise the legislative function of the EU and have control over the EU budget and the EC European Court of Auditors (ECA): The EU’s independent external auditor who checks that EU funds are correctly accounted for, are raised and spent in accordance with the rules and have achieved value for money EU inter-institutional bodies European External Action Service (EEAS): The EU's diplomatic service. It helps the EU's foreign affairs chief to carry out the Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy. European Investment Bank Group: The EU's bank which finances and provides expertise for sustainable investment projects as part of the EU policy objectives. Other EU entities EC Departments and Services: The Departments are the Directorate-Generals (DGs) which deal with a specific policy. The Services deal with more general administrative issues. EU Agencies: 40 Legal entities set up to perform specific tasks under EU law.

1.4 ROM implementation (how, where, when) 1) Plan, organise, implement, report on, and follow up on a yearly basis: - ROM Reviews (worldwide) by assessing relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of ongoing projects - Results Reporting Support (at Brussels HQ) by recording values of achieved indicators of closed projects 2) Produce Annual Consolidated Reports based on the analysis of ROM Reviews and Results Reporting Support

1.4.1 ROM Reviews Objectives - To provide an external opinion on project implementation in order to support project management by the EC HQ services - To provide support to implementing organisations in project management through advice during the field visits and recommendations Number of CMTPs 135/year (with circa 39 ongoing DEAR projects for the 1st year)

1.4.2 Results Reporting Objectives - To assist the Units in the reporting on results data, available in project reports and documents - To facilitate quality control of data included in the reports Number of CMTPs 95/year (with 16 closed DEAR projects in the 1st year)

1.4.3 Annual Consolidated Reports ROM review Analysis Per country and geographic region Per sector with specific focus on gender and climate change Per thematic programme and for each component Results Reporting Support Analysis Quality of Results Indicators, completeness of project reporting by the implementing partners, quality of the Logframe.

2. DST – ROM CMTP Areas for collaboration

2.1 DST potential focus ROM CMTP recommendation of May/2013 “…It is advisable that future CfP are accompanied by a service contract which could be launched early in the implementation of the grants in order to establish the necessary activity-based monitoring tools (guidelines, reporting templates, web-based repository document system etc…” “…At the <service contract> kick-off meeting, a workshop could be organised, bringing together the EC services and relevant stakeholders in order to decide on the requirements, strategy and expectations…”

2.2 Complementarity ROM - DST Preconditions - Exchange of information (planned visits, templates) - Complementarity in the assessment of the effectiveness of grants - Appropriateness of the selected reporting indicators

2.2.1 Complementarity Example No 1 ROM Review criterion No 3: Effectiveness - Has the expected progress in terms of outputs been properly achieved? - Is the quality of outputs (including those of CD support) satisfactory? - Are the outputs (including CD) still likely to lead to the expected outcomes? - Is there evidence that the action supports the implementation or the development (or change) of the targeted country‘s policy/actions?

2.2.2 Complementarity Example No 2 DST - Establish reporting framework - Annual collection of data, including values of results indicators of ongoing grants ROM - Assess framework in practice through field visits to the grants - Consolidation of results indicators of ended grants in the context of the EU RF which can initiate a discussion on the appropriateness of the selected reporting indicators

Thank you Brussels e-mail: Team Costas MISSIRLIS Team Leader Michel LECOMTE Deputy Team Leader Justyna BIELAT Cooperation Coordinator Elea NOVA Junior Expert Dimosthenis TSIORIS Financial/Administrative Assistant