U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Tom Armstrong Senior Advisor for Global Change Programs U.S. Geological Survey Department of the Interior’s Climate Change Task Force: Linking Science to Resource Management Decision Making and Policy
The Federal Niche - The Strengths of Science, Monitoring and Information History of climate change science research and long-term monitoring Monitoring assets- from ice cores to stream gages to Landsat Multi-disciplinary capabilities and scientific expertise across the landscape Capability to assess prehistoric, historic and current climate effects Ability to integrate broad arrays and types of information for effective decision-making Ice Core Landsat 7 Stream Gage
Water Availability Water Quality Increased Flood Risk Coastal Impacts Associated with Sea-level Rise Melting Permafrost and Sea Ice Impacts on Native Peoples Outbreaks of Pests, Invasive Species, and Diseases Species Migration and Habitat Change Threatened and Endangered Species Wildland Fires DOI Resource Management Issues and Challenges
Examples of Science Needs for Legal and Policy Issues Climate change may move existing plant and animal species farther north and to higher elevations Revisit the definition of “invasive species” Preserve species through artificial habitat or captivity. Determine when extinction is inevitable Species shifts outside of their existing range and the currently designated critical habitat
Timely Local and Regional Data are Needed New Paradigm for management decision making Need data at appropriate scales (local to regional) Need data and resultant information in timely manner Climate impacts and relevant implications A DOI-wide science and data GAP analysis An integrated science and performance monitoring system A DOI-wide process for linking science, data, modeling, monitoring and decisions
Adaptive Management Built Upon Multi-scale Science Information, Decision Support and Models Field management-level input capability Flexible and rapidly responsive information framework Regional and National data network coordination Rapid information acquisition and dissemination a top priority
Proposed Science Needs from the DOI Task Force Science Subcommittee Development of a DOI integrated science and monitoring plan, including existing monitoring networks Improving integration and access to USGS and other DOI Bureau data sets crucial to climate change science and resource management Downscaling of models Building decision-making capabilities centered on a robust Global Change Information Management System (GC-IMS) An adaptive management approach with USGS science and DOI resource Bureaus GC-IMS
The Vision – A National Climate Effects Network A truly integrated National climate effect monitoring network capable at a range of temporal and spatial scales A scientific team focused on early detection and scientific analysis in support of adaptation or mitigation strategies An information dissemination and decision support system for cost effective, scientifically rigorous management and policy decisions The capacity for the next generation to protect and sustain our National trust resources through early detection of change Congressional funding obtained in FY08 (7.5M) FY09 Climate Change Initiative
Platte River Watershed Key Issues Carbon Management: The Interaction Between Agriculture, Energy, Infrastructure and Climate Climate Effects on Water Availability for Human and Ecological Needs Impacts of Climate Change on Landscapes, Biodiversity, and Natural Resources
Building Partnerships Key Stakeholders Other Federal Agencies State and Local Agencies Academia NGO’s Private Sector