Highlights 1.Background –SADC –FANRPAN Establishment & Objectives 2.Mission 3.Operational Structure –Institutional Framework –Organisational Structure –Research Process 4.Current Work –Current Studies/Programs –Projects’ Timeframe 5.Key Strategies for Capacity Strengthening
FANRPAN Background
Establishment & Objectives SADC Ministers of Agriculture recommended the formation of FANRPAN in 1994 to: –Promote appropriate agricultural policies in order to reduce poverty –Increase food security and promote sustainable agricultural development
Establishment & Objectives FANRPAN was formed YEAR 2001 to: –Promote appropriate agricultural policies in order to reduce poverty –Increase food security and promote sustainable agricultural development –Focus on promoting regional trade and exchange of information across member states –Provide a conducive policy and legal framework, including functional input supply and markets for surplus products
FANRPAN Mission coordinateinfluencefacilitate national regionalglobalTo coordinate, influence and facilitate policy research, analysis and dialogue at the national, regional and global levels in order to develop the food, agriculture and natural resources sector. networking capacity buildinginformationgenerationThe Mission is achieved through networking, capacity building and information generation for the benefit of the SADC region
Current Studies/Programs
Impact of HIV & AIDS on Agriculture & Food Security This is part of a five-year EU funded project The 2 year study Aim: determining the impact of HIV & AIDS on food security and recommend mitigation and coping strategies for adoption by Ministries of Agriculture in the region