Un- Pre- -ed Dis- before -ly not, opposite Ir-/il-/im-/in- Verb form/present participle -s/-es not again more than one wrongly Mis- without Characteristic of Re--less can be done Past tense verb -ing -able/-ible not Cut out and make a square by matching the prefix or suffix to the correct definition and gluing to a piece of paper with your name and period.
un pre ed dis before ly not, opposite Ir/il/im/in Verb form/present participle s/es not again more than one wrongly mis without Characteristic of reless can be done Past tense verb ing able/ible not Cut out and make a square by matching the prefix or suffix to the correct definition and gluing to a piece of paper with your name and period.
reless can be done Past tense verb ing able/ible not leg mis without Characteristic of more more than one wrongly rightly er s/es not again ir Ir/il/im/in Verb form/present participle yes after un pre send The same ed dis before Future tense verb ly not, opposite sometimes go Cut out and make a square by matching the prefix or suffix to the correct definition and gluing to a piece of paper with your name and period.