(3) Data scope in INSPIRE European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability Digital Earth and Reference Data Unit Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Vlado Cetl
2/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC Outline INSPIRE Data Themes Data Interoperability Data Specifications Examples
3/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC INSPIRE components
4/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC INSPIRE data themes Annex I 1.Coordinate reference systems 2.Geographical grid systems 3.Geographical names 4.Administrative units 5.Addresses 6.Cadastral parcels 7.Transport networks 8.Hydrography 9.Protected sites Annex II 1.Elevation 2.Land cover 3.Ortho-imagery 4.Geology Annex III 1.Statistical units 2.Buildings 3.Soil 4.Land use 5.Human health and safety 6.Utility and governmental services 7.Environmental monitoring facilities 8.Production and industrial facilities 9.Agricultural and aquaculture facilities 10.Population distribution – demography 11.Area management/ restriction/regulation zones & reporting units 12.Natural risk zones 13.Atmospheric conditions 14.Meteorological geographical features 15.Oceanographic geographical features 16.Sea regions 17.Bio-geographical regions 18.Habitats and biotopes 19.Species distribution 20.Energy Resources 21.Mineral resources
5/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC The INSPIRE working group on Reference Data and Metadata (RDM) (2002): Reference Data and Metadata Position Paper Provide an unambiguous location for a user's information Enable the merging of data from various sources Provide a context to allow others to better understand the information that is being presented INSPIRE Environmental Thematic Coordination Group (2002): Environmental thematic user needs - Position Paper a review of policy documents including existing and planned environmental legislation; a review of papers available from existing formal and informal working groups; consultation with stakeholders in different environmental policy areas expert judgement based on the experience of EEA staff and EIONET INSPIRE data themes
6/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC user dataset... Access to spatial data in various ways User has to deal with interpreting heterogeneous data in different formats, identify, extract and post-process the data he needs lack of interoperability Data interoperability The starting point …
7/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC... Network Service Network Service Network Service Provide access to spatial data via network services and according to a harmonised data specification to achieve interoperability of data !Datasets used in Member States may stay as they are !Data or service providers have to provide a transformation between their internal data model and the harmonised data specification dataset user... and what INSPIRE is aiming at Data interoperability
8/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC INSPIRE IRs vs. TG
9/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC Why common Data Specifications? Member States should make available data within the scope of INSPIRE using the same spatial object types (and definitions) the same attributes (and definitions, types, code lists) and relationships to other types, e.g. BuildingHeight, BuildingSize a common encoding (GML application schemas) common portrayal rules This facilitates interoperability and pan- European/cross-border applications (e.g. information systems, reporting systems, forecasting models)
10/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC DS Development - Stepwise Approach Development of conceptual framework and specification methodology (by Data Specification Drafting Team) DS-D 2.3 Definition of Annex Themes and Scope DS-D 2.5 Generic Conceptual Model (GCM) DS-D 2.6 Methodology for Specification Development DS-D 2.7 Guidelines for Encoding Development of data specifications for each spatial data theme (by different Thematic Working Group) based on the conceptual framework common specification development methodology and on the INSPIRE roadmap Preparation of the Implementing Rules based on data specifications (by the Commission)
11/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC Data interoperability – standards stack
12/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC Data interoperability – standards stack
13/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC Data interoperability – Stakeholders Thematic working groups – 19 TWGs for Annex II&III TWG Facilitators TWG Editors Domain experts EC INSPIRE Team (DG ENV, DG JRC, DG ESTAT) Technical coordination = JRC INSPIRE team Data Specifications Drafting Team (DS DT) Stakeholders Legally mandated organisations (LMOs) Spatial data interest communities (SDICs)
14/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC Finding the appropriate level of interoperability
15/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC Conceptual Framework To provide a repeatable data specification development methodology and general provisions for the data specification process, which is valid for all spatial data themes The GCM is using a set of interoperability elements
16/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC TG & IR
17/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC IR & TG development cycle
18/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC IR & DS development cycle
19/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC Cross-theme data interoperability TN:Transport networks EL:Elevation BU:Buildings SO:Soil PF:Production and industrial facilities AF:Agricultural and aquaculture facilities ER:Energy Resources HB:Habitats and biotopes SD:Species distribution AM:Area management/ restriction/ regulation zones & reporting units PD: Population Distribution US: Utilities and Governmental Services (Waste Management) Urban Planning Waste Management Plans Environmental Impact Assessment Risk Management … PRTR SEVESO Waste Reporting
20/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC Conceptual data models Registers objects types, properties & relationships cross-domain harmonizatio n based on a common modelling framework managed in a common UML repository Harmonised vocabularies to overcome interoperabilit y issues caused by free-text and/or multi- lingual content allow additional terms from local vocabularies Encoding conceptual models independent of concrete encodings standard encoding: GML, but also possible to derive other encodings (e.g. based on RDF) provide unique and persistent identifiers for reference to resources allow their consistent management and versioning Key pillars of data interoperability
21/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC Conceptual data models Registers objects types, properties & relationships cross- domain harmonizatio n based on a common modelling framework managed in a common UML repository Harmonised vocabularies to overcome interoperabili ty issues caused by free-text and/or multi- lingual content allow additional terms from local vocabularies Encoding conceptual models independent of concrete encodings standard encoding: GML, but also possible to derive other encodings (e.g. based on RDF) provide unique and persistent identifiers for reference to resources allow their consistent managemen t and versioning Key pillars of data interoperability described in INSPIRE Conceptual Framework documents D2.6:Methodology for Specification Development D2.10.3: Common data models D2.9: O&M Guidelines D2.5: Generic Conceptual Model D2.7: Guidelines for Encoding
How to read the data specifications Foreword General Executive Summary Theme-specific Executive Summary 1. Scope 2. Overview (incl. 2.2 informal description) 3. Specification scopes 4. Identification information 5. Data content and structure 5.2 Basic notions 5.3 – 5.x Application schemas (incl. UML diagrams and feature catalogues) 6. Reference Systems
How to read the data specifications 7. Data Quality 7.1 DQ Elements 7.2 Minimum DQ requirements and recommendations 8. Metadata 8.1 Additional requirements and recommendations for MD elements defined in the MD Regulation 8.2 MD Elements for interoperability 8.3 Recommended theme-specific MD elements 9. Delivery (incl. Encodings) 10. Data Capture 11. Portrayal (incl. layers, styles)
Annex A: Abstract Test Suite Annex B: Use cases Annex C: Code list values Other Annexes (e.g. examples) How to read the data specifications
25/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC How to read the data specifications
26/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC Data specification thematic extensions + GeoSciML + CityGML INSPIRE Annex III Themes INSPIRE data application schemas 138 Use cases INSPIRE Data specifications contain 138 Use cases +
27/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC UML class diagram: example INSPIRE UML class diagram for administrative units
28/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC AU CP EL … INSPIRE Data specifications - examples
29/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC More information INSPIRE INSPIRE Data Specifications Overview Data models Schemas
30/29 Training: INSPIRE Basics EC JRC Thank you for your attention! Vlado Cetl