A Simple Microcontroller VHDL Tutorial R. E. Haskell and D. M. Hanna T6: VHDL State Machines.


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Presentation transcript:

A Simple Microcontroller VHDL Tutorial R. E. Haskell and D. M. Hanna T6: VHDL State Machines

The T8X Microcontroller

PC.vhd library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity PC is port ( d: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); clr: in STD_LOGIC; clk: in STD_LOGIC; inc: in STD_LOGIC; pload: in STD_LOGIC; q: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0) ); end PC;

architecture PC_arch of PC is begin process (clk, clr) variable COUNT: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); begin if clr = '1' then COUNT := " "; q <= COUNT; elsif clk'event and clk='1' then if pload = '0' then if inc = '1' then COUNT := COUNT + 1; end if; else COUNT := d; end if; q <= COUNT; end if; end process; end PC_arch;

Tcodes.vhd package tcodes is subtype opcode is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Register instructions --WHYP WORDS constant nop:opcode := X"00";-- NOP constant dup: opcode := X"01";-- DUP -- ALU instructions constant plus: opcode := X"10"; -- + constant plus1: opcode := X"11"; constant invert: opcode := X"12"; -- INVERT constant twotimes: opcode := X"13"; -- 2*

-- Return Stack, Memory Access, and I/O instructions constant swfetch: opcode := X"31"; -- constant digstore: opcode := X"32"; -- DIG! -- Transfer instructions constant jmp: opcode := X"40"; -- GOTO constant jnbtn4: opcode := X"41";-- WAIT_BTN2_UP constant jbtn4: opcode := X"42"; -- IF_BTN4 end tcodes;

fetch exec exec_ fetch M(6)=‘1’ M(6)=‘0’ M(6)=‘1’ -- Transfer instructions constant jmp: opcode := X"40"; -- GOTO constant jnbtn4: opcode := X"41";-- WAIT_BTN2_UP constant jbtn4: opcode := X"42"; -- IF_BTN4

VHDL Finite State Machine State Register C1 x(t) s(t+1) s(t) z(t) clk clr present state next state C2 process(clk, clr) process(present_state, x)

Tcontrol State Machine State Register C1 instr s(t+1) s(t) clk clr current state next state C2 process(clk, clr) process(current_state, M) process(current_state, instr) M

architecture Tcontrol_arch of Tcontrol is type state_type is (fetch, exec, exec_fetch); signal current_state, next_state: state_type; synch: process(clk, clr) begin if clr = '1' then current_state <= fetch; elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then current_state <= next_state; end if; end process synch;

C1: process(current_state, M) begin case current_state is when fetch => if M(6) = ‘1’ then next_state <= exec; else next_state <= exec_fetch; end if; when exec_fetch => if M(6) = ‘1’ then next_state <= exec; else next_state <= exec_fetch; end if; when exec => next_state <= fetch; end case; end process C1; fetch exec exec_ fetch M(6)=‘1’ M(6)=‘0’ M(6)=‘1’

Tcontrol State Machine State Register C1 instr s(t+1) s(t) clk clr current state next state C2 process(clk, clr) process(current_state, M) process(current_state, instr) M

C2: process(instr, current_state) begin alusel <= "00"; msel <= "00"; pload <= '0'; tload <= '0'; nload <= '0'; digload <= '0'; inc <= '1'; iload <= '0'; if (current_state = fetch) or (current_state = exec_fetch) then iload <= '1'; -- fetch next instruction end if; if (current_state = exec) or (current_state = exec_fetch) then case instr is when nop => null; when dup => nload <= '1';

when plus => tload <= '1'; when plus1 => tload <= '1'; alusel <= "01"; when invert => tload <= '1'; alusel <= "10"; when twotimes => tload <= '1'; alusel <= "11"; when swfetch => tload <= '1'; msel <= "01"; when digstore => digload <= '1'; when jmp => pload <= '1'; inc <= '0'; when jnbtn4 => pload <= not BTN(4); inc <= BTN(4); when jbtn4 => pload <= BTN(4); inc <= not BTN(4); when others => null; end case; end if; end process C2;

T6 Lab Exercise Multiply switch setting by 10 and display hex result on 7-segment display. BEGIN WAIT_BTN4\ wait to press BTN4 read SW(1:8) n DIG!\ 7-segment display WAIT_BTN4\ n 2*\ 2n DUP\ 2n 2n 2*\ 2n 4n 2*\ 2n 8n +\ 10n DIG!\ 7-segment display AGAIN ;

Trom6.vhd library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; use work.tcodes.all; entity Trom6 is port ( addr: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); M: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0) ); end Trom6;

architecture Trom6_arch of Trom6 is subtype tword is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); type rom_array is array (0 to 18) of tword; constant rom: rom_array := ( JBTN4, X"00",-- X"00" wait for BTN4 up JNBTN4, X"02",-- X"02" wait for BTN4 SWFETCH,-- X"04" push switches digstore,-- X"05" display JBTN4, X"06",-- X"06" wait for BTN4 up JNBTN4, X"08",-- X"08" wait for BTN4 twotimes,-- X"0A" 2* DUP,-- X"0B" DUP twotimes,-- X"0C" 2* twotimes,-- X"0D" 2* plus,-- X"0E" + digstore,-- X"0F" display JMP, X"00",-- X"10" GOTO 0 X"00"-- X"12" );

T6 Lab Exercise File T6comp.vhd is a package that contains the component declarations for all components in the T8X microcontroller. File T6main.vhd is the top-level design of the T8X microcontroller.

T6 Lab Exercise: The T8X Microcontoller

T6main.vhd library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use work.T6comp.all; entity T6main is port ( SW: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 to 8); BTN: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 to 4); LD: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 to 8); AtoG: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0); A: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0) ); end T6main;

T6main.vhd (cont.) architecture T6main_arch of T6main is signal tin, T, N, y, P, M, instr: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal clr, clk: std_logic; signal pload, iload, tload, nload, digload, inc: std_logic; signal msel, alusel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal GND: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin

GND <= "0000"; U0: mux4 port map (a => y, b =>SW, c(3 downto 0) => BTN, c(7 downto 4) => GND, d => M, sel => msel, y => tin); Treg: reg port map (d => tin, load =>tload, clr => clr, clk =>clk, q => T); Nreg: reg port map (d => T, load => nload, clr => clr, clk =>clk, q => N); U1: alu port map (a => T, b => N, sel => alusel, y => y); U2: digdisplay port map (T => T, N => N, digload => digload, clr => clr, clk => clk, A => A, AtoG => AtoG); T6main.vhd (cont.)

U3: PC port map (d => M, clr => clr, clk => clk, pload => pload, inc => inc, q => P); U4: Trom6 port map (addr => P, M => M); ireg: reg port map (d => M, load => iload, clr => clr, clk =>clk, q => instr); U5: Tcontrol port map (instr => instr, M => M, clr => clr, clk => clk, BTN => BTN, alusel => alusel, msel => msel, inc => inc, pload => pload, tload => tload, nload => nload, digload => digload, iload => iload); U6: osc_4k port map (clk => clk); LD <= SW; clr <= BTN(1); end T6main_arch; T6main.vhd (cont.)