Technology and structure The structuring effects of technology –Promotes certain behaviors, discourages others The meaning of technology –Interpretive flexibility The structuring OF technology –Designed by people who live within social, cultural systems –Designed to fit INTO social, technical conditions –Embodies values, assumptions, power relations, authority examined or not intended or not
Technological politics -- Winner Pay attention to the momentum of large- scale sociotechnical systems –Durability of technology –Durability of social systems –Stabilization of sociotechnical systems Pay attention to the characteristics of tech objects and meaning of those characteristics –Including values of all kinds
Do artifacts have politics & values? Endogenous: inherent in the technology –Strong form: required by the tech –Weaker: strongly compatible with Exogenous: reside in the users, not the tech Middle way: the way tech is designed promotes some kinds of activity, values, power relations, and constrain others
Winner’s conclusion ‘Technologies:’ ways of building order in our world. Many tech devices and systems contain possibilities for many different ways of ordering human activity. Society chooses structures for technologies that influence how people are going to work, communicate, travel, consume, and so forth for a very long time –Consciously or not, deliberately or inadvertently In the processes by which structuring decisions are made, different people are differently situated and possess unequal degrees of power and awareness. Greatest latitude of choice exists when first introduced. Choices tend to become fixed in material equipment, economic investment, and social habit. Original flexibility vanishes once initial commitments made. Tech innovations establish a framework for public order that endures across many generations. -p. 33
Bias Friedman and Nissenbaum: –System that systematically and unfairly discriminates against certain individuals or groups in favor of others. Unfair: denies an opportunity or a good or assigns an undesirable outcome to an individual or group oon grounds that are unreasonable or inappropriate. More generally: –Systematic tendency, a preference or inclination, not necessarily unfair.
Friedman & Nissenbaum’s types of bias Pre-existing: rooted in social institutions, practices, attitudes; prior to creation of system –individual –societal Technical: rooted in tech design –Computer tools; algorithms –Formalization of human constructs (e.g. expert systems; classification/taxonomies) Emergent: arises in context of use; result of –changing societal knowledge –mismatch users and designers different expertise (e.g. literacy) different values (e.g. games/competitive)
Implications Awareness of how specific technologies enable and constrain certain behaviors, social arrangements, authority structures –May be result of pre-existing, technical, or emergent bias Awareness of differences in groups’ abilities to influence decisions –Decisions often reinforce current patterns, power relations Awareness of points at which choices are possible, most influential –The momentum of sociotechnical systems, differences in durability of technology > differences in the persistence over time of decisions
Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) Purpose –Explain development of tech artifacts as alternating processes of variation and selection –Unpack the uncertainties, branchings, and decision points in tech design –Demonstrate that techs are socially constructed in design as well as use Method –Identify & describe relevant social groups –Sociologically deconstruct the artifact –Map mechanisms for stabilization of the artifact
Limits, criticisms of SCOT Has been mostly concerned with design stage –But doesn’t have to be Relevant social groups –Who decides? –Importance of groups left out, decisions never considered Ignores structural, cultural features that affect choices Sense of “closure” too rigid –On-going design in use –Continual design iterations –However, persistence and durability
Benefits of SCOT well known in STS world – useful to know about it Provides a framework and methodology –Not perfect, but useful –Helps to spur thinking, suggest considerations otherwise overlooked
Artifacts & relevant social groups artifact Social group Social group Social group Social group
Social groups and problems Social group problem
Problems and solutions problem solution
1. Identify & describe relevant social groups Relevant social group is defined as one in which all members share same set of meanings for artifact You may need to subdivide initial groups Technological frames: – Structure the interactions among actors within a group and explain the development of “sociotechnical ensembles.” –Are broad, including theories, goals, practices of use, and tacit knowledge. The result is a shared meaning within a social group. If relevant, include their strength in decision- making
2. Sociologically deconstruct the artifact What artifacts are “hidden within”? –interpretive flexibility – different artifacts have different meanings for different groups What counts as a viable working artifact for each group?
3. Map mechanisms for stabilization of the artifact Stabilization: the design and understanding of the artifact are generally agreed to The problem may be solved Relevant social groups may see problems as solved (rhetorical closure) Problem may be redefined
The bicycle story
Relevant social groups GroupOverall “Problem” Problems (Needs, preferences) Possible Solutions “Young men of means and nerve” SportSpeed, perception of danger Look macho high front wheel NOT air tire Women (in long skirts) TransportSafety comfort (vibration) modesty Low front wheel Air tire Changing mores Older menTransportSafety Comfort Low front wheel Air tire Anti-cyclists??
Relevant social groups (cont) GroupOverall “Problem” Problems (Needs, preferences) Possible Solutions Bicycle manufacturers Return on investment Market for good idea Large enough, persistent enough market Bicycle that appeals to multiple groups Tire manufacturers Return on investment New market for product Large, persistent market Pneumatic tires not cool Bicycle that appeals to multiple groups Demo that pneumatic tires are fast & comfortable City planners & builders Transportation Horses leave manure; Cars require good roads, threaten pedestrians & horses Vehicles that are low impact, work on existing roads, don’t leave a mess
Closure – the “safety” bicycle (after 18 years)
The “Safety” Bicycle Air tire –Greater comfort –Greater speed (so no longer looks stupid) Low frame with rear chain drive –Safety –Stability and speed? But stabilization is not permanent – continuing developments in bicycle design
Determinism Technical determinism: tech follows some inherent logic of its own and affects society Social determinism: that society determines the shape of technology Mutual constitution: a continual interaction, with each changing the other
WRITING – structuring arguments Constructing an argument –Logical reasoning –Structure, flow of argument Using evidence Anticipating counter-arguments Audience Genre: A category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, marked by a distinctive style, form, or content
WRITING the elements of the text Syntax: The rules whereby words or other elements of sentence structure are combined to form grammatical sentences; the ordering of the grammatical sequences within a phrase, with agreement between concomitant entities (i.e., between subject and verb, noun and pronoun); verb case; and such sentence transformations as negativization, interrogation, coordination, subordination, passivization and relativization. Usage: The way in which words or phrases are actually used, spoken, or written in a speech community. Grammar Spelling Punctuation