Inspiring School Leadership Workshop for Headteacher and Chair of Governors Friday 28 November Striving for excellence
Inspiring School Leadership 1.15 pmBritish Values – implications for schools 2.15 pmCoffee and trip down memory lane 2.45 pmHeads and Chairs – managing relationships 3.30 pmClose
Governor Accreditation Programme (GAP) Inspiring School Leadership
Trojan Horse concerns the effective take-over of the governing body by like- minded people; nepotism in staff appointments and appointments to the governing body; rapid advancement of new or inexperienced governors to the role of chair; bullying and intimidation of senior teaching staff, and in particular headteachers;
Governor Accreditation Programme (GAP) Concerns about impact on children… 1.Teachers fear pupils are learning to be intolerant of difference and diversity. Evidence that this is the case both inside and outside school, e.g. school trips. 2.Young people, instead of enjoying a broadening and enriching experience in school, are having their horizons narrowed. Not being equipped to flourish in the inevitably diverse environments of further education, the workplace or indeed any environment outside predominantly Muslim communities. 3.Evidence that pupils are being encouraged to accept unquestioningly a particular hardline strand of Sunni Islam raises concerns about their vulnerability to radicalisation in the future.
Promoting British Values The vast majority of schools already promote British values. This is about making sure we have the tools we need to intervene if children are being let down. A Department for Education spokesperson said: Keeping our children safe and ensuring schools prepare them for life in modern Britain could not be more important. This change is an important step towards ensuring we have a strong legal basis for intervening in those schools where this is an issue.
Governor Accreditation Programme (GAP) Definition of ‘British values’ The government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy - values of: Democracy The rule of law Individual liberty Mutual respect Tolerance of those with different faiths and belief Pupils develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.
Governor Accreditation Programme (GAP) Strengthening powers to intervene in schools failing to promote British values. Schools will be expected to focus on, and be able to show how their work with pupils is effective in, embedding fundamental British values. Actively promoting also means challenging pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British values. Action will also be taken against schools where, for example, girls are disadvantaged on the grounds of their gender - or where prejudice against those of other faiths is encouraged or not adequately challenged.
Governor Accreditation Programme (GAP) School inspection handbook Published: September 2014 Reference no: Para 165: Inspectors should consider whether governors: 1.carry out their statutory duties, such as safeguarding, and understand the boundaries of their role as governors 2.ensure that they and the school promote tolerance of and respect for people of all faiths (or those of no faith), cultures and lifestyles; and support and help, through their words, actions and influence within the school and more widely in the community, to prepare children and young people positively for life in modern Britain
Why did Ofsted inspectors choose to spot check highly regarded St Benedict’s Catholic School? This inspection was conducted at no notice following non-compliance with the statutory requirement to provide parents with detailed information about the school curriculum on the school website. St Benedict's Catholic School, Bury St Edmunds.
Governor Accreditation Programme (GAP) Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development A statutory requirement for all schools A school may ‘require improvement’ if there are overall weaknesses in provision for SMSC development. Inspection of lessons will look for evidence of SMSC. SMSC is evaluated by Ofsted before making the final judgement on the school’s overall effectiveness.
Governor Accreditation Programme (GAP) Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development SMSC is about how children and young people make sense of the world and other people; how they interact with other people; and the sort of person they are and are becoming. SMSC is as much about how children are taught as what they are taught. SMSC is not something that happens in isolation – it is linked and inter-connected to everything the school does and what kind of place it is.
Governor Accreditation Programme (GAP) When, where and how is SMSC being developed? How can it be seen? The ethos and values of the school The curriculum Other activities (assemblies, collective worship) Opportunities for pupils to take part in artistic, sporting, dramatic, musical, cultural, scientific and technological events International events and links What pupils, staff and parents say The impact on pupils’ learning and personal development
Governor Accreditation Programme (GAP) Inspiring School Leadership Heads and Chairs – managing relationships
Governor Accreditation Programme (GAP) Relationship between HT and Chair A good relationship between head and governors is key to a happy high-performing school. But what happens when it all goes wrong? A good governing body can make an enormous positive difference to a school and to its staff. But when that relationship does go wrong, the upheaval, disruption and stress are the likely result. At best, an uneasy peace can prevail as both sides keep their differences under wrap for the sake of the school. At worst, it can lead to open warfare, where no one will emerge unscathed. ‘Beyond Repair’ – TES Newspaper 28 May 2010, Hannah Frankel
Major Causes of Conflict Communication Lack of information Poor information No information Misinformation Information needs to be: Clear Concise Accurate Timely Emotions Letting emotions drive decisions Pride/ego/jealousy Power struggles Poor performance Opposing positions Competitive tensions Someone just having a bad day Just about anything and everything
Governor Accreditation Programme (GAP) The Skills of Interpersonal Communication Tensions between school leaders (headteachers, senior leader and governors) can be reduced if individuals develop styles of interpersonal communication appropriate to the situation. 4 key skills: 1.Listening skills 2.Assertion skills 3.Conflict resolution skills 4.Problem solving skills