7/29/14 National Association of Governmental Labor Officials NAGLO Annual Meeting Building a State Workforce Business Architecture
Current State Different entities speaking different languages Education – Education and Career Pathways, Demand Workforce Development – Sector Strategies Economic Development – Industry Clusters, Attraction Requires a crosswalk to build integrated strategies supported by data with reporting capabilities
Business Architecture - Where to Begin? Current State plus: Voices to be Heard: Relationships + Expectations to Incorporate: Requirements + Opportunities to Evaluate: Principles + Customer and Client Engagement: Programs + Projections to Consider: Market Relevancy + Collaborations to Forge: Partnerships + Systems to be Integrated: Applications + Legislation to be Introduced: Policy = Future State Business Architecture - VALUE
Strengthened Network Collaborations Workforce/Talent Workforce Development Boards Partner Agencies Apprenticeship Councils Youth Apprenticeship Consortia Staffing Agencies Talent Developers Economic Development WEDC Grow Regions County Economic Development Export Strategies Business Retention/Attraction Site Locators Demand Driven Programming P-20 Education K-12 Technical Colleges 2 and 4 Year institutions Credentialing Agencies School Counselors Parents!!! Employers Chambers of Commerce Business Alliances Trade Associations Professional Associations Small and Independent Businesses Entrepreneurs Start up companies
Voices in the Conversation are “Both/And” not either/or Employers and Educators State and Local stakeholders Economic and Workforce Development 2-year and 4-year colleges and universities Professional, Liberal Arts and Technical programs Surveys and Research Private and Public interests Supply and Demand models Common processes and constituent specific programs Current and Future talent
How Employers Think The HUMAN Age = Human Capital +Talent Development The voice of employers = Demand What are employers saying about talent?
ManpowerGroup/The Human Age/Talentism The New Capitalism The world has entered a new era, one requiring the redesign of business models, redefinition of value propositions and reinvention of social systems. This transformation is necessary with “Capitalism” shifting to “Talentism,” where it matters less if countries and companies can access the capital they need and more if they can attract the talent they need to win. Exponentially complicating matters, the demographic landscape dictates that talent— as capital once was—is becoming not only a scarce resource, but the key competitive differentiator. Countries and companies will need to examine their business strategies and ensure they have an appropriate talent strategy in place to attract, retain and develop talent; unlocking the human potential they need to succeed.
Projected Mismatch in Wisconsin’s Talent Pipeline Adapted with permission from the National Governor’s Association
Without strategic pathways, employers and job seekers (current and future) struggle to connect around skills and labor demands Adapted with permission from the National Governor’s Association
What is DWD’s strategic role? Adapted with permission from the National Governor’s Association
What is DWD’s operational role? CollaboratorConvener Granting Authority Direct Service Provider Strategic Partner & Investor
Balanced Scorecard Market Relevancy One Stop Services -Talent Assessment -Skills Definition -Career Planning & Pathways -Employment Readiness One & Done Principles -Demand driven services -Talent recruitment/retention -Standard Operating Environment -“Earned” Value Talent Development -Training Investment -Career Pathway Coordination -Regional Training consultation -Sector Facilitation Program & Fiscal Management -Program Forecasting/Effectiveness -Inclusive Partnerships -Sustainable Funding Strategies -Scalable, Portable, Replicable models Today’s Clients Today’s Customers Collaboration & Compliance Future Workforce
Wisconsin’s evolving Labor Market Information System Public Labor Information Exchange Customer Case Management Tool Business Services Job Seeker Resume and Job Search Match Functionality to Connect Employers and Job Seekers Employer Registration and Job Postings Labor Market Information and Forecasting Skill Exploration Staff Assisted Functions for Job Seekers and Employers Programs User Councils Future Workforce / Career Pathways Roles and Responsibilities Data Sharing
Five Value DriversFive Value Drivers Assessments & Tools Skill Explorer Skill Explorer: Linking people, skills and knowledge to job postings.
Expansion of demand-driven workforce models at the state, regional and local level Inclusion of high-demand technical education programming and credentialing in K-12 schools and technical colleges Further alignment of workforce partners, resources, and networks to support economic development and business expansion/attraction strategies Enhancement of workforce strategies, programming and funding models Wisconsin Talent Development Driver Strategies
Five Value Drivers Demand Focused Economic Development Economic Research, Data Analysis & Forecasting Career Pathways, Access to Skill Development, Future Worker Education, Integration, Analysis & Research, Job Readiness WFF, Business Retention and Attraction, Business Development Employment Readiness, Skills Assessment, Candidate Inventories Demand driven models, Targeted Career Expos, Honest Broker Relationships, Research Based, Coordinated Business Services Economic Modeling, Skill and Labor Market Forecasting, Program Evaluation Talent Development Client Services Customer Services
Future State Education, Workforce & Economic Development Align Around Specific Industries to Meet Demand Adapted with permission from the National Governor’s Association
Thank You! Division Administrator Scott Jansen