Welcome to the Sixties!
Choose a partner and get a laptop. Login, open Google Chrome, and navigate to my webpage. Open the Tab for “Outsiders WebQuest” Complete the WebQuest with your partner. One person should navigate through the websites and gather information while the other records the answers to the questions. We will go over the answers tomorrow. HAVE FUN!
You will be assigned a group of slides on which you will become an expert. Take careful notes on the chart provided. In 15 minutes you will be assigned to another group. You will teach that second group all you have learned.
Who was S.E. Hinton? When was The Outsiders first published? How old was the author when the novel was written?
What can you tell me about the economy in 1966? How have the prices of homes, gas, and food changed?
What was fashion like in the 1960’s? What is a madras shirt? odern-World /Rock-n-Roll-Style.html madras.jpg Elvis Pompadour Hairstyle Group wearing Madras Shirts
What was going on in the world in the 1960s? More specifically, what was going on in the United States?
What was the baby boom?
What kind of music was popular in 1966? Who was Elvis Presley, Hank Williams, and who were The Beatles? Top 20 Songs in
What types of television shows were popular in the 1960s? Describe the Perry Mason show.
What is a drive-in? What is a Nightly Double? ture=related
Who is Paul Newman? Who is Will Rogers?
Describe a Corvair and a Mustang. Mustang Corvair
What is Barrel Racing? ents-and-rules/ladies-barrel-racing.html
What is Reform School? orm-school
What was the DX? 00/ /
Who wrote the story Great Expectations? What is it about?
Who was Robert Frost? Read the poem Nothing Gold Can Stay. What do you think this poem is about?
What are the Greasers? The Socs? Greasers and Socs