Components Foundation of Jural Communities Special Forms of Jural Communities Role of the Prince Status of Merchants and Traders FAKULTAS HUKUM UI
Foundation of Jural Communities Territorial and kinship factors Social Classes Status of Aliens Formation of New Communities FAKULTAS HUKUM UI
Special Forms of Jural Communities Non-Localized Clans Localized Clans Regional Communities Political Clans Localized Tribes Territorially Based Tribes Territorialized Kinship-Based Communities Kinship Based Communities Transformed by Alien Power The Gaukang Balinese Desa Javanese Desa The Territorial-Based Community in Atjeh Additional Territorial-Based Communities FAKULTAS HUKUM UI
Role of Prince Head of Religion Supreme Judge Controller and Leader of Community Has Endless Powers Limited Powers in Practice FAKULTAS HUKUM UI
Status of Merchant and Traders Aliens Can form a union or community with other traders They are Stranger Protected by the prince Are limited in context of customary norms in terms of their relationship to the Native Communities. FAKULTAS HUKUM UI