Trajectory Sampling for Direct Traffic Observation Matthias Grossglauser joint work with Nick Duffield AT&T Labs – Research
Traffic Engineering overload! Two large flows
Traffic Engineering overload! New egress point for first flow Multi-homed customer
Traffic Engineering overload! OSPF shortest path splitting
Traffic Engineering Goal: domain-wide control & management to –Satisfy performance goals –Use resources efficiently Knobs: –Configuration & topology: provisioning, capacity planning –Routing: OSPF weights, MPLS tunnels, BGP policies,… –Traffic classification (diffserv), admission control,… Measurements are key: closed control loop –Characterize demand: what’s coming in? –Observe network state: how is the network reacting? (low-level adaptivity!) –Check performance: what’s the customer’s QoS?
Traffic Matrix vs. Path Matrix Traffic matrix –# bytes from ingress i to egress j Path matrix –Spatial flow of traffic through domain –# bytes for every path from i to j
flow 1flow 2flow 3 flow 4 Flow Measurement IP flow abstraction –Set of packets with “same” src and dest IP addresses –Packets that are “close” together in time (a few seconds) Cisco NetFlow –Router maintains a cache of statistics about active flows –Router exports a measurement record for each flow
Inferring the Path Matrix from the Traffic Matrix
Network State Uncertainty Hard to get an up-to-date snapshot of… …routing –Large state space –Vendor-specific implementation –Deliberate randomness –Multicast …element states –Links, cards, protocols,… …element performance –Packet loss, delay at links
missing “down” alarms spurious down noise missing alarms
Direct Traffic Observation Goal: direct observation –No network model & state estimation Basic idea: –Sample packets at each link –Sampling decision based on hash over packet content –Consistent sampling trajectories –Labels based on second hash function Exploit entropy in packet content to obtain statistically representative set of trajectories
Sampling and Labeling Fields of interest collected only once Multicast: trajectory is a tree
Fields Included in Hashes
Collisions: Identical Packets
Sampling and Labeling Hashes x: subset of packet bits, represented as binary number Sampling hash –h(x) = x mod A –Sample if h(x) < r –r/A: thinning factor Labeling hash –g(x) = x mod M Make appropriate choice of A, M –predictable patterns should “mix” well
Pseudo-Random Sampling Goal: infer metrics of interest from trajectory samples –E.g., what fraction of traffic of customer x on a link y? Question: is sample set statistically representative? –Obvious for “really random” sampling –Distribution of a field in the sampled subset = real distribution? –In other words: does the complement of the field provide enough entropy?
Quality of Deterministic Sampling Experiment: statistical test to check if sampled and full distributions are close –Chi-square statistic to verify independence hypothesis –Hypothesis: sampled distribution consistent with full distribution –Confidence level C(T) for hypothesis, where C is cdf of with I-1 degrees of freedom
Chi-square Test on Source Address If, then accept hypothesis
Bitwise Independence 2x2 contingency table formed by –sampling decision –l-th bit of packet
Optimal Sampling Fix amount of measurement traffic c per time period Problem: –n: number of samples in sampling period –M: alphabet size, m=log2(M) bits/label –nm: total amount of measurement traffic [bits] –Goal: maximize # unique labels, subject to nm<c Result: –optimal alphabet size M*=c log(2) –optimal number of samples n*=M*/log(M*) –example: c=1Mb/period
Label Collisions and Trajectory Ambiguity
Ambiguity cont. Rule for acyclic subgraphs + unicast packets: –unambiguous if each connected component of the subgraph is (a) a source tree (b) a sink tree without loss
Inference Experiment Experiment: infer from trajectory samples –Estimate fraction of traffic from customer –Source address customer –Source address sampling + label Fraction of customer traffic on backbone link:
Estimated Fraction (c=1000bit)
Estimated Fraction (c=10kbit)
Sampling Device MPLS: simple additional logic to look “behind” label stack
Sampling Device Implementation Interface vs. processing speed –OC-192: 10 Gbps –State of the art DSP: Proc: 600M MACs x 32 bit: 20 Gbps I/O: 300MHz x 256 bit: 70 Gbps –Moore’s law vs. interface speed growth Vendor interest: cisco, juniper, avici
Summary Advantages –Trajectory sampling estimates path matrix …and other metrics: loss, link delay –Direct observation: no routing model + network state estimation –No router state –Multicast (source tree), DDoS (sink tree) –Control over measurement overhead –Small measurement delay Disadvantages –Requires support on linecards Open questions & research problems –Collection, storage, querying (in progress) –Management interface