EDGE™ Concept Level Project Plan P0860X (1-5) Eula Dozier’s “Tile Measurer” Paul Gaylo (ME) Ryan Hellems (ME) Cortney Ross (ME) Jeremy Schiele (ME) Reid Williamson (ME)
EDGE™ Original Prototype Background Description This product is a device that can mark and/or cut tiles for cutting that are to be laid against a wall. It enables many tiles to be marked at once, and marks them according to the exact contour of the wall. Currently it is only for linoleum tile, but expansion to ceramic time is expected. Key Business Goals The primary business goals of this prototype are to -enable contractors and users of the device to mark tile more efficiently, cutting down on the time needed to finish a job. -increase the profitability of a tiling job to the company that its contracted to. -become a source of revenue for the prototype’s inventor: Eula Dozier. -make it easier for the average person to get clean and correct cuts the first time, every time. Primary Market This prototype’s primary market is composed of professional contractors who lay large quantities of tile on a regular basis. Secondary Market P08601, P08603: The secondary customer base contains all other types of people who could be laying tile- this includes the “do-it-yourselfers,” smaller scale contractors, and remodelers. P08602, P08604, P08605: Hardware rentals, professional tilers
EDGE™ How the Prototype Functions
EDGE™ Common Tile Types Vinyl Composition (VCT) Ceramic Luxury Vinyl Laminate Glazed Porcelain Natural Stone
EDGE™ Interviews Primary Customers Eula Dozier (inventor) Inspired to develop prototype after observing a tile layer as a general contractor with no tiling experience. This 2 nd generation prototype is patent pending and functions to mark linoleum tiles accurately to a wall profile. Patent info, CAD files, prototype, and testing fixture are in RIT hands and accessible to all tile project teams. Flooring Businesses Tile Shop – Tile Showroom (Jefferson Rd.) Toured extensive showroom of ceramic tiles and natural stone. No VCT products. Business specializes in DIY customer and provides clinics. Introduced to preparation requirements and limited array of tools available. Received list of recommended contractors. Sail-On Carpets – Residential Flooring (Rt. 15) Met with Joe Rizzo and Brian. Introduced to wide variety of flooring choices and installation procedures. Majority of business is residential. Passed on to Jim Premier. Coordinating interview. United Carpet Brokers – Commercial Flooring (Winton Plazza) Met with Kevin Nasser to discuss innovation opportunities. Introduced to carpet tiles and parallel installation procedure. Business is 90% commercial. Opportunity to interview installation crew. Other Stakeholders Private Home Contractor Provided insight on the needs of home installation by a professional. Expressed interest in a “light” version that was cheap, quick and easy. Private Home Contractor Expressed a willingness to try a machine that would speed up the marking process. Cost shouldn’t be more than $ Expressed a significant interest in the usefulness. Must be adjustable for designer tile variations. For sale at home centers?
EDGE™ Manufacturing Needs Benchmarking In the process of making 5 examples of Eula’s original prototype
EDGE™ Concept Level Plan Feedback How to the needs of professionals and D.I.Y’s differ? –f(robustness, value, price accessibility) Is there an application to wood flooring? –Need to observe installation procedure –Adaptability to other flooring is possible What was the prototype cost? –$200 to build five Why no electrical engineers? –Prototype is purely mechanical Why Constrain to only marking and not cutting? How are projects related?
EDGE™ Project Breakdowns P08601 (Paul) – Improve Eula’s original design; make product ready for manufacturing; documentation/manual; business plan; life cycle P08603 (Jeremy) – Improve Eula’s original design; not necessarily manufacturing ready; “perfection” of design for future market; conceptual design (mold?); ergonomics P08604 (Cortney) – Tile measurer with data storage and data retrieval P08602 (Ryan) – Tile cutter and data uploader P08605 (Reid) – Electro-mechanical measuring and cutting device
EDGE™ Concept Level Project Plan – P08601/3 Project Name –Dozier Tile Layout Tool Project Number –P08601, P08603 Project Family –Construction Industry Technology Track –Entrepreneurship and Business Development Track Start Term – End Term – Faculty Guide –John Wellin (ME) pending Faculty Consultant –Timothy Landschoot (ME) confirmed Faculty Consultant –Dr. Mark Kempski (ME) confirmed Primary Customer –Mr. Eula Dozier, Original Inventor - confirmed
EDGE™ P08601 Commercial Venture Project Goals Create a commercialized version of Mr. Dozier’s prototype Re-design and improve as necessary to create polished consumer product by the end of SD-2. Design and build all necessary jigs and fixtures for manufacture and assembly Mark ceramic and linoleum floor tiles Engage in a production run or be ready to do so Create user documentation (manual) Construct a business plan
EDGE™ Staffing Requirements – P member team Mechanical Engineers (3) ME1 -Potentially the project leader. This member of the team will be responsible for the management of the project and assist in an ADHOC fashion with other aspects of the project ME2 -This person will focus on the development side of this project. They will specialize in the drafting needs and any mechanical redesign of the prototype. ME3 -This person will be primarily responsible for the production side. They will be in charge of any CNC programming and work holding design. In the early stages of this project, they will assist ME2 with redesign considerations. Industrial and Systems Engineers (1) ISE - This person will have two primary roles. Firstly, the parts chain and secondly the user documentation/ product manual(s). This person should be skilled in technical writing and will have a significant role in the redesign of the prototype for assembly and manufacture. Business (1) Bus - This person will specialize in the business plan and market research. Information gained from this research is expected to affect the final design. This person will develop a detailed business plan to market this product upon the completion of the first production run.
EDGE™ Preliminary Work Breakdown Plan – P08601 Weeks 1-2Weeks 2-3Task to be completed ME1 Project IntroductionBegin Brainstorming for redesign Use information brought to the group from new members to organize a progression for future group discussion Meet with Mr. Dozier Present project history of all known info Review team values and grading scheme ME2 Project IntroductionBegin Brainstorming for redesign Pick a drafting program and draft the nylon block of the prototype. Meet with Mr. Dozier Review customer interviews project history Review team values and grading scheme Begin drafting the prototype with alterations ME3 Project IntroductionBegin Brainstorming for redesign Write a CNC program in a software package compatible to RIT machines. Create a profile of the pen holder of the prototype Meet with Mr. Dozier review customer interview project history Review team values and grading scheme Investigate what will be needed CNC at RIT ISE Project IntroductionBegin Brainstorming for redesign Locate 3 user manuals of general hand tools and create a two lists. One list of the similarities and another of the differences Meet with Mr. DozierReview customer interviews Review team values and grading schemeLocate potential parts vendors Bus. Project Introduction Investigate a previous specialty tool business plan Locate a business plan from another specialty construction tool and create a list of similarities and differences Meet with Mr. DozierReview history of development Review team values and grading scheme
EDGE™ Group Grading Scheme – P08601 Requirements A Excellent Met the primary project goal of production preparation. Meets all of the project goals. Able to present a polished consumer product to Eula Dozier. Able to market the product effectively. B Good Nearly met production deadline. Fully operational prototype design exists and has much improved functionality. C Fair Design was not able to be manufactured. Design has flaws that reduce its effectiveness Prototype has been much improved. D Not Good Design is improved over the original but not fully functional or ready for production. F Fail Design is not improved over the original prototype
EDGE™ Potential Issues and Risks - P08601 Acceptance in the market place Overall Cost – Ultimate cost to the consumer Reaching the project goal of a production ready prototype by the end of SD-2 Assembly and Production Constraints Where is the money going to come from?
EDGE™ P08603 Stylized Tile Measuring Tool Project Goals Use the same principles of functionality as Eula Dozier’s prototype, with the aide of industrial designers, design a tile marking tool that is appealing but tough enough for commercial usage The tool should have flawless function in marking multiple types of tiles The design should keep the ability to be transferred to a medium- high production line after senior design.
EDGE™ Staffing Requirements – P08603 Mechanical Engineers (3) ME1: Project Manager responsible for planning and execution of project and required deliverables for senior design. Other responsibilities include assuring proper design for manufacture and the manufacturing techniques chosen to the end product. ME2: Engineer will be responsible for mechanical design work pertaining to functionality of product and assisting in materials selection. Should be familiar with CAD software and proper design considerations for large scale manufacturing. If group size requires it, they will be the Engineering Lead for the group. ME3: Will be responsible for functionality of mechanical systems that allow the tile measurer to function properly, will also be responsible for keeping EDGE website up to date, and any major changes to website. They should class background or work experience in machine design and be familiar with CAD software. Industrial and Systems Engineers (1) ISE: Engineer will be in charge of meshing work between industrial designer and mechanical design engineers, production and execution of customer perception testing protocols/reports, and aide in hypothesized production flow. Industrial Engineer is also eligible for position as Project Manager. Industrial Designers (1) ID: Design of exterior shell of tile marking product focusing on aesthetic appeal and manufacturability, while keeping functional requirements under consideration. Will provide the mechanical engineers an envelope do design within. Should be knowledgeable about ergonomics and plastic product design and materials selection (desired but not required). NOTE: For all positions, a knowledge or interest in tiling/home finishing is a plus, but not required.
EDGE™ Preliminary Work Breakdown Structure – P08603Member Week 1 Week 2 Deliverable Week 3 M.E. (PM) Familiarize team with project background and begin to distinguish individual's areas of strength. Update any deliverables, set regular meeting times, and collect schedules from team members. Formulate 11 week schedule and give to team, have individual’s specific responsibilities finalized. Find what rapid prototyping is available. Continue to update essential documents. M.E. 2 Research techniques for marking/laying tile and begin decision on which CAD platform is preferred. Begin to look at methods for marking multiple types of tile and what kinds of tile are most common. List of possible marking methods on 3 most common types of tile. Begin design of wall following and marking ends. M.E. 3 Familiarize yourself with how prototype works and learn how tile is marked/laid. Learn how to use EDGE website and Tortoise SVN. Educate rest of group on how to use wiki language, EDGE website and Tortoise SVN application. Begin design of internal components, based on Eula’s prototype. I.S.E. Familiarize yourself with how prototype works and learn how tile is marked/laid. Investigate the ergonomic concerns associated with product. Tech. brief for group on ergonomic considerations. Help ME 1 maintain documentation, begin protocols. I.D. (1-2) Look into how tile is marked/laid, familiarize yourself with requirements of device. Investigate proper design considerations for plastic product design. Technical brief on plastic product design considerations. Begin housing concept generation.
EDGE™ Group Grading Scheme – P08603 Requirements A Excellent Level B requirements satisfied plus: Manufacturing techniques for larger scale production (100-10,000 unites) have been finalized Tile marking tool is able to efficiently switch between tile on point and square laid tile Customer perception findings have been conducted and results incorporated into final design B Good Level C requirements satisfied plus: Manufacturing techniques capable of small scale production (1-10 unites) have been selected Physical prototype (3D printed, machined, etc.) that provides proof of function and can be shown to Mr. Dozier as a deliverable Some customer perception testing has been conducted, but not finalized C Fair Completed 3D models and assemblies of final product Mechanical function is proven on square laid tile Complete BOM that identifies parts that need special attention (off site manufacturing, long lead time, etc.) D Not Good Have designs and 3D models of all required components of product necessary for basic function Almost complete BOM Conceptual manufacturing techniques F Fail No design or 3D models No BOM No conceptual manufacturing techniques
EDGE™ Potential Issues and Risks – P08603 Maintaining fluent channels of communication between other tile teams. Maintaining differentiation between the 2 projects spun off of Eula’s original prototype.
EDGE™ P08601 vs. P08603 Design for Manufacturing Business Plan Production Ready Attention to Industrial Design Jigs and Fixtures Product Testing Customer Appeal Testing Part Supply Chain Ergonomics Multi-sized Tile Tile-On-Point User Manual End Product Production Ready, Run of Optimized Functional Prototype units>5,000 units
EDGE™ Concept Level Project Plan - P08602/4 Project Name –Automated Tile Measurer and Cutter Project Number –P08602, P08604 Project Family –Construction Industry Technology Track –Entrepreneurship and Business Development Track Start Term – End Term – Faculty Guide –Mr. Tim Landschoot (confirmed) Faculty Consultant –Dr. Kempski, ME (confirmed) Faculty Consultant –CSE or EE professor, unconfirmed Primary Customer –Mr. Eula Dozier, Original Inventor - confirmed
EDGE™ P08604 Automated Tile Measuring Device Project Goals A device that will go along the edge of the tile and measure the distance it is from the wall Log and store that data Send that data to an automated tile cutting device (P08602) +
EDGE™ Staffing Requirements – P08604 Mechanical Engineers (3) ME1 (Leader): The project leader will make sure that the rest of the members are doing their work efficiently and effectively. ME2: The first mechanical engineering student will mainly be working on the design of the product. They will also be working with a solid modeling program (Pro-E, SolidWorks, etc.). After design is done, they will help with the assembly of the prototype during SDII. ME3: The second mechanical engineering student will be assisting with the design of the product. Their main function will be machining the parts for that design. After design is done, they will help with the assembly of the prototype during SDII. Industrial Designers (1) ID: The Industrial Design student would be needed to make the device look aesthetically pleasing. They will need to be able to work with the mechanical engineers that are working on the design to help make the device compact and ergonomic. Electrical Engineers (1) EE: The Electrical Engineer will need to be able to come up with a battery power supply to run the device that will measure the distance the device is from the wall, and to run the device that will log, store and send the data to the cutter. Industrial and Systems Engineers (1) ISE: The Industrial and Systems Engineering student will be needed on either this project or P08602 to integrate the two systems together. They will need to be able to make sure that the tile cutter communicates correctly with the measurer. Computer Engineers (1) CE: The computer engineering student will be working with the data logging, storing and retrieval for the design. They will need to be able to write, read and understand some coding program. They will need to able to manipulate that code to retrieve data from the measuring device and send it to the cutting device (P08602).
EDGE™ Preliminary Work Breakdown Structure - P08604Member Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 ME1Leader Familiarize group with projectGather questions and comments and go over them Make sure brainstorming is productive Bring together all designs and go over them Give next weeks assignments ME2 Familiarization of project Bring back questions and comments on design Week2 Meet with P08602 Brainstorm ideas for a first generation design based of comments and questions Bring back a hand sketched or 2D/3D model of their own first generation mechanical design for Week 3 – individual or group Group sketched MUST show that ALL members worked together to make sketch Research different solid modeling programs Bring back pluses and minuses for Week 4 ME3 Familiarization of project Bring back questions and comments on design Week2 Meet with P08602 Research different materials for first generation mechanical design Research different mechanical or electrical components that can be used on the first generation design Bring back pluses and minuses for Week 4 ID Familiarization of project Bring back questions and comments on design Week2 Meet with P08602 EE Familiarization of project Bring back questions and comments on design Week2 Meet with P08602 Brainstorm ideas for a first generation design based of comments and questions Bring back a hand sketched or computer sketch of their own first generation design for the data logging, storing and sending device for Week 3 – individual or group Group sketched MUST show that ALL members helped Research different battery/power supply options Bring back pluses and minuses for Week 4 ISE Familiarization of project Bring back questions and comments on design Week2 Meet with P08602 Research different wireless communication systems Bring back pluses and minuses for Week 4 CE Familiarization of project Bring back questions and comments on design Week2 Meet with P08602 Research different coding/data sending programs Bring back pluses and minuses for Week 4
EDGE™ Group Grading Scheme - P08604 Requirements A Excellent Make a design and a prototype that will be able to measure the distance the device is away from the wall Make a device that can log this data and store it Make a device that can send the data to the cutter B Good Make a design and a prototype that will be able to measure the distance the device is away from the wall Make a device that can log and store data, but not send to cutter C Fair Make a design, but not a prototype that will be able to measure the distance the device is away from the wall Make a device that can log and store data, but not send to cutter D Not Good Make a design, but not a prototype that may be able to measure the distance the device is away from the wall No device that can log, store or send data F Fail No new design or prototype that can measure the distance the device is from the wall No device that can log, store or send data
EDGE™ Issues and Risks – P08604 Must have great amount of integration with P08602 Has some wireless system on a small device Wireless/electrical system(s) should be contained and/or kept safe from users, but still be easily accessible Shouldn’t be too expensive Must be fairly accurate
EDGE™ P08602 Automated Tile Cutter (P08604) Device Does cuts Vinyl Tiles to fit provided wall profile, without user input. Device cuts accurately and quickly.
EDGE™ Staffing Requirements – P08602 Mechanical Engineers (4) ME1: Team Leader. Plans teams progress, work scope, and focus of efforts. Ensures that design gives proper consideration to 2 nd generation (ceramic). Assists ME3 with tile securing efforts. ME2: Design and develop positioning system for cutter using linear actuators. ME3: Design and develop system to hold tiles securely in place for cutting, without interfering with the cutter. ME4: Create designs for frame to tie in 2&4’s systems, with respect for 2 nd generation. Assist ME2 with designing. Electrical Engineers (1) EE: Design and implement power supply from wall to control box, to cutter/router and linear actuators. Return feedback signals from Actuators back to control box to monitor locations. Industrial and Systems Engineers (1) ISE: Make sure all systems come together, help design device to be more easily manufactured, help control visual appeal to some extent. Computer Engineers (1) CE: Share CE’s w/ 604 to ensure highly usable data is collected, which would create best cuts based on data. Develop an easy to use interface to control cutting or re-cutting of every tile. Use actuators feedback to record where cutter really is and how to control that.
EDGE™ Preliminary Work Breakdown Structure - P08602Member Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 ME1 Project Manager Review EDGE website, set up a group meeting with Eula Dozier. Facilitate discussion based on different methods, and problems associated with each. Familiarize self with CAD software that most in group are experienced with. Create a rough assembly of a standard wet-saw. Develop week 4 WBS, thoroughly review previous weeks research. ME2Positioning Review EDGE website, research topic online. Bring back comments on at least 2 installation videos, DIY guides, or preferably a novel/uncommon tile cutting techniques. Comments for both vinyl and ceramic tile techniques. Research differences in linear actuators, and make recommendations of our needs Familiarize self with CAD software. Create a rough assembly of a wet saw. ME3Clamping Familiarize self with CAD software. Create a rough assembly of a simple vise. Experiment with cutting vinyl tile, max unsupported length ME4Frame Familiarize self with CAD software. Create a rough assembly of a simple vise. Experiment with cutting vinyl tile, max unsupported length EE Investigate power load's/differences in cutting tools and routers. Create spreadsheet to summarize. Discuss with ME1 choices in actuators and cutting tools based on power. ISE Investigate alternatives to linear actuators. Develop spreadsheet of pros and cons of different options. Perform comparative benchmark/time study on time of tile cutting on an actual installation job CE
EDGE™ Group Grading Scheme - P08602 Requirements A Excellent Working device that cuts tiles Tiles fit within a 0.25” gap on Eula’s test stand B Good Device that can cut simple shape of tiles Comprehensive BOM All deliverables met. C Fair Full designs and plans for tile cutter No device that actually cuts D Not Good Nearly complete BOM Incomplete design of how system would work F Fail No BOM No working device No design
EDGE™ Potential Issues and Risks – P08602 Design Issues: –How to take measurements that will be usable –Tiles other then 12” square. –What to do about tile-on-point –Unknown solution for supporting flexible tile without cutting under Unknown Factors: –Budget: RotoZip/router (150 or 40), Linear actuators (150+, each), Support frame ($ ). Who pays? –Materials for control system/computer box are unknown. –Seamless integration with programming between projects –Material selection based on design choices, no pre- ordering. Can only pre-order extra tiles.
EDGE™ Concept Level Project Plan - P08605 Project Name –Dozier Tile Layout Tool Project Number –P08605 Project Family –Construction Industry Technology Track –Entrepreneurship and Business Development Track Start Term – End Term – Faculty Guide –T.B.D. Faculty Consultant –Timothy Landschoot (ME) confirmed Faculty Consultant –Dr. Hoople (EE) confirmed Primary Customer –Mr. Eula Dozier, Original Inventor
EDGE™ P08605 Dual-Function Tile Perimeter Layout Tool On-the-spot cutting of tiles for perimeter voids –Reduce secondary tile layout time –Cut tiles utilizing real-time data Couple measuring function with cutting function that was previously performed by hand Implement design of electrical components Design product to function with VCT
EDGE™ Staffing Requirements & Responsibilities P08605 Mechanical Engineers 3-4 Design & execution of structure, measuring device, motors, functionality, data acquisition, and additional mechanical components. Electrical Engineers 3-4 Design & execution of sensors, power sources, data acquisition, data processing, and additional electrical components. Computer Engineers 0-2 Definite opportunity to be involved with an electro-mechanical product. Uncertain of priority and possible role. Industrial and Systems Engineers 0 Process integration and efficiency, ergonomic concern, and management of systems are limited and tasks will be spread among team.
EDGE™ Preliminary Work Breakdown Structure P08605
EDGE™ Grading Scheme – P08605
EDGE™ Potential Risks and Issues – P08605 Unknown budgetary restriction Multiple components necessary to achieve combined function results Maturity of technology in measuring and cutting components are unknown Potentially grand electrical systems Operating speed of product and electronic lag Utilization of mechanical engineers beyond rugged case design Challenged to find acceptance of technology
EDGE™ Resource Requirements – P People -Eula Dozier (inventor) -SD Team (4-8 members) -Faculty Advisor & Guide (consultants) -Tile Contractors (industry contacts) Environment -SD cubby -Open floor testing space -Construction site (onsite testing) Equipment -Machine shop -Computers with design software -Rapid prototyping equipment -Mr. Dozier’s prototype -Mr. Dozier’s testing fixture -Challenging wall profile testing fixture Materials -Variety of tiles -Tile laying materials -Standard machining materials -Vendor components
EDGE™ Outstanding Items – P Patent Considerations (Eula Dozier holds patent for original prototype) Final Product Ownership Budget Finish prototypes for each group