U.S. Energy Information Administration Independent Statistics & Analysis Net energy analysis: a policy analysis perspective Net Energy Analysis Workshop Global Climate and Energy Project Stanford University April 1, 2015 | Palo Alto, CA by Howard Gruenspecht, Deputy Administrator
Improvements in energy intensity largely offset impact of growth in GDP leading to slow growth in energy use 2 U.S. primary energy consumption quadrillion Btu Source: EIA, current thinking History Projections % 18% 27% 8% 1% 33% 10% 18% 29% 8% 1% Nuclear Petroleum and other liquids Natural gas Coal Renewables (excluding liquid biofuels) Net energy analysis: a policy analysis perspective April 1, % 19% 27% 8% 9% 1% Liquid biofuels 2040
Growth in electricity use slows, but electricity use still increases by 24% from 2013 to U.S. electricity use and GDP percent growth (rolling average of 3-year periods) Source: EIA, current thinking Structural Change in Economy - Higher prices - Standards - Improved efficiency Projections History 2013 Period Average Growth__ Electricity use GDP 1950s s s s s Net energy analysis: a policy analysis perspective April 1, 2015 Gross domestic product Electricity use
CO 2 emissions per dollar of GDP decline faster than energy use per dollar of GDP reflecting the shift to lower carbon fuels 4 energy and emission intensity index, 2005=1 Source: EIA, current thinking HistoryProjections 2013 Carbon dioxide emissions per 2009 dollar GDP Energy use per 2009 dollar of GDP Energy use per capita 2005 Net energy analysis: a policy analysis perspective April 1, 2015
Exergy data from GCEP Net energy analysis: a policy analysis perspective April 1,
Exergy data from GCEP Net energy analysis: a policy analysis perspective April 1,
For more information Net energy analysis: a policy analysis perspective April 1, U.S. Energy Information Administration home page | Annual Energy Outlook | Short-Term Energy Outlook | International Energy Outlook | Monthly Energy Review | Today in Energy | State Energy Profiles | Drilling Productivity Report |
Exergy data from GCEP Net energy analysis: a policy analysis perspective April 1,
Exergy data from GCEP Net energy analysis: a policy analysis perspective April 1,