Certification and Partnerships The Privatization of Global Governance
Certification A process of establishing a set of rules, principles, guidelines, reporting, monitoring mechanism against which processes are products are compared and certified –First-party certification: –Second party certification: –Third party certification
ISO1400 series Established by the International Standardization Organization (ISO) and business entities Implemented through business associations Establishes standards for environmental management (EMS) within enterprises such as waste minimization, eco efficiency, etc. Members encouraged to apply standard to the entire chain of production
Equal Exchange Fair trade certification of the Fair Trade Labeling Organization International (FLO) Organic certification Shade grown coffee “Good Coffee, Good Business”
538 forest management companies certified (116 US and Canada) Cover 42,783,216 hectares in 60 countries Product with FSC logo –In Home Depot, Lowe’s Home Improvement, Kinko’s
Why do we see increasing number of international certification schemes?
Public-Private Partnerships Rules, norms, and practices agreed and implemented collaboratively by state and non-state actors: –Focus on narrowly defined policy issues –Legally non-binding –Do not seek universal participation –Combine resources of different partners (states, advocacy organizations, private companies, and IOs)
Partnership Examples ARPA Johannesburg Type II outcomes World Commission on Dams Global Compact Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations GEF Small Grants Program Partnership for Article 10 on Access to Information
Incentives to demand and supply partnerships Political demand –Governance gaps –Transnational NGOs –Transnational business Political supply –Strong states: project power and interests –Weak states: leverage resources, but cautious –IGO secretariats: resources, deflect pressure
Geographic Patterns of Johannesburg Partnerships