MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January MINERvA Director Review Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Active detector elements WLS (wavelength shifting) fibers in scintillator Extruded triangular scintillator pieces 3.3cm by 1.7 cm t ID - Active Target - triangular scintillators form a layer (128 triangles/layer) t Light sharing between adjacent strips gives position measurement Extruded square scintillator pieces – 1.9 cm square t OD - Side hadron calorimeter - 6 layers
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Active Detector Elements WLS fiber – 1.2 mm, 175 ppm, s-35 multi-clad Kuraray fiber t Same kind of fiber used CMS HCAL and CDF Preshower »Slightly less flexible than the most flexible Kuraray fiber »With attenuation length of more transparent fiber t Readout one end – mirror the other end t Longest WLS fiber length – 3.5 m Clear fiber in optical cables takes light to PMT box t 1.2 mm s-35 Kuraray multi-clad fiber t Length about 1.2 m OD -1.4 m ID
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Active Detector Elements PMT Box t Brings light from clear fiber cable to multi-channel PMT t The piece which consists of the optical connector and clear fibers we call the ODU (optical decoder unit) »Cable end connects to the clear cable »Fiber end glued to PMT cookie
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January DDK Optical Connectors and Cables 3 Parts Ferrule, box, and clip – uses clip instead of pins and screws Designed by DDK (now Fujikura) in conjunction with the CDF Plug Upgrade t RMS of light transmission - 1% to 2% (connection – reconnection) t For CDF – holes for 0.83 mm, 0.9mm, and 1.0 mm fiber t Also used by FOCUS, D0, and STAR experiments We will have DDK design new ferrule for 1.2 mm fiber – same clip and box Optical Cables – MSU STAR method to make light tight t For light tight - RTV boot on both ends with black tube surrounding the fiber Clip Box Ferrule
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Physics Requirements We require enough light to get a position resolution of 3 mm t 8 pe/layer (photo-electron /layer) from Monte Carlo program »Per doublet for a MIP with perpendicular incidence To determine particle type from dE/dx t 8 pe/layer from Monte Carlo program The position and dE/dx determination should be measured directly rather than deriving them from the Monte Carlo program with the # pe Less than a few mm of warping of scintillator in xy direction t Need to know position of scintillators t However, source scanning of layers will give this information
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Vertical Slice Test I - # pe #pe is measured with VST I t First triangular extrusions from Lab 5 - NICADD/FNAL Extruder t However, the hole is oval and slightly oversize »Highest light yield – fiber tight in hole »0.5 m long and painted with TiO 2 t Minerva electronics and MINOS pmt (M64) in MINOS PMT box t 1.2 mm, 3.5 m, mirrored WLS fiber – mirror at scintillator end »Length simulates the worst case t No clear 1 m cable in VST I » must multiply the result by 0.75
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January VST I #PE – 1 Layer of triangles t 10 pe – scaling the single pe peak t 12 pe - inefficiency with /10 optical filter in connector t These agree well – average – 11 pe t Scale to 11*0.75(for cable)=8 pe/layer
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Near Term Tests VST II - measure position resolution directly t Jan – Feb 2005 t All parts exists t Use next generation of extrusions t Measure position resolution t Compare light between the 3 layers to show dE/dx resolution t Compare to Monte Carlo program t VST II is this decisive test Source R & D Tests t Illuminate a separate 5 triangles array with a source t Compare light between different configuration t Compare glue to no glue, etc.
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January NICADD/FNAL Extruder Extruded scintillator much cheaper than cast scintillator t Can create unique shapes - MINERvA triangles FNAL group experienced with extruded scintillator – MINOS, K2K Extruder is a collaboration between FNAL and NIU, owned by NIU Computer controlled t Regulate mixture of polystyrene pellets and dopants t Optimize temperature and extrusion speed The Extruder is the ideal size for MINERvA production
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Extruder Dies Two scintillator shapes – triangle and square Triangular extrusion is more challenging shape t VST I – first die t Supported by FNAL, NIU, DOE-HEP through Rochester t Re-tune for making triangular extrusions for VST II Development of new die for square scintillator t Expected to be easier Co-extruder – coat scintillator extrusion with TiO2 t MINOS scintillator manufactored with coextruder
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Quality Control and Production Production run tolerances for triangular shapes Hole production and testing
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Fiber Procurement Purchase 57 km of clear fiber – Rochester Task t QC – same procedure as CMS »Use cable testing box to inject light to fibers »Test 5 fibers in batch ( a fiber preform) »QC tests done by Rochester physicist and a Rochester technician Purchase 119 km of WLS fiber – Rochester Task t QC – Lab 6 automatic fiber scanner, UV lamp and pin diodes »Not working now »Could use manual setup in Muon Lab – source and PMT »Measure 5 fibers from a batch t Mirror fibers in Lab 7 »FNAL contribution budgeted in FNAL impact statement »Lab 7 did this for CDF Plug, FOCUS, STAR ECAL, CMS HCAL, D0 »3 steps – ice polishing sputtering and protecting the mirror
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Connector Procurement and Polishing DDK will design new ferrule for 1.2 mm fiber – initial QC t Measure initial connectors with Avant Optical Gauge Comparator »Coordinate measuring machine owned by Tech Support »They will measure the position and angle of holes t Measure RMS of the light of initial set of cables Polishing at Lab 7 t Lab 7 has been polishing connectors for the last 10 years »They have experience polishing these connectors - FOCUS t DDK connectors have fiberglass which dulls the diamonds »New diamonds or relapped diamonds after 40 connector polishes t Lab 7 polishes 10 connectors at a time »FNAL Lab 8 need to build fixture to hold the connectors
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Optical Cables and ODU Assembly ODUs – fibers-connector part used for the PMT box t Like cable, but not made light tight Cable construction same techniques and CDF and CMS To make light tight – copy MSU STAR method t Put RTV boot on both ends of cable Can prototype existing DDK connectors for 1.0 mm fiber t Fiber diameter doesn’t matter for test certain techniques t Test RTV light tight boot t Set up the production line QC – Build quality control device t Build light injection box – like CMS calibration box t Build box to take light in cables to pin diodes t Multi-channel pico-ammeter system readout out pin diodes
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Scintillation Extrusion Schedule Schedule based on experience from extruder R & D 2 dies – 2 months of testing the tuning for each die 90 Days for production People t 2 FNAL technicians t NIU Production Coordinator – 50% time t NIU Run Supervisor – 50% time 9 month after June 1 – March 2005
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Schedule WLS Fiber t 3 months to acquire WLS fiber - t 4 months to mirrors fiber – 4 technicians t June 2005 – Dec 2005 t An Fall accelerator shutdown could effect this schedule Optical Cables and ODUs t 3 months to acquire prototype ferrule t 1 month to test t 1 month acquire production connectors t 1 Rochester R&D Technician – Finish Nov 2005 t 7.5months – 2404 ODUs – Rochester 4 techs – Finish Jun 2005 t 12 months Cables – 6 techs - Finish Jun 2006
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Cable Costs As-real eng – as realized and engineering costs estimate Exp as-real – direct extrapolation from as realized costs Act as-real – actual as realized costs Sim/exp as-real – direct/similar extrapolation from as realized costs
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Polishing and WLS Fiber Costs
MINER A NuMI MINER A Director’s Review 10 January 2005 H. Budd Univ. of Rochester Optical Cables and Scintillator Extrusions 10 January Costs – Scintillator Extrusions