Three Main Kinds of Invertebrates Worms Mollusks Arthropods
Two Main Kinds of Worms Segmented Non-segmented
2 Types of Mollusks Live on Land Slugs Snails id/entomology/Home_&_Garden.htm
4 Types of Arthropods Insects Spiders and Their Kin Millipedes and Centipedes Crustaceans id/entomology/Lawn_Pests.Htm#mites
Examples of Types of Insects Beetles Ants Six legs, three body parts, usually have wings except in the immature or larva stage id/entomology/Home_&_Garden.htm
Examples of Millipedes and Centipedes Millipede Centipede 2 pairs of legs for each body segment 1 pair of legs for each body segment
Examples of Spider Kin Daddy Long Legs Mites Pseudoscorpions Eight legs, two body parts, no wings id/entomology/Spiders.htm#arthropods
Examples of Crustaceans Sowbugs and Pillbugs (Roly poly) Seven pairs of legs