Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 1 of 33 Revising Sentences for Conciseness  Verbal Style  Descriptive Verbs  Wordy Phrases.


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Presentation transcript:

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 1 of 33 Revising Sentences for Conciseness  Verbal Style  Descriptive Verbs  Wordy Phrases

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 2 of 33 Verbal Style Verb FormNoun Form requirerequirement of imposeimposition of discussdiscussion of resembleresemblance to removeremoval of fearfear of

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 3 of 33 Example of Noun-Based Style Everything today has the requirement of the conformity of people to some standard. There is the requirement to be similar in their speech and in their beliefs. If you have different ideas, people have the thought you are odd. Our fear stops the expression of our thoughts about our surroundings. We must have a resemblance to our neighbors or friends. Because there is so little we can do to be individuals, it is my thought that we would commit an error by the imposition of a dress standard on students. It would be a loss to their expression of individuality. (100 words).

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 4 of 33 Example of Verb-Based Style Everything today requires people conform to some standard. Similarity is required in how they speak and what they believe. If your ideas differ, people think you are odd. We fear expressing what we think about our surroundings. We must resemble our neighbors or friends. Because there is so little we can do to be individuals, I think we would err by imposing a dress standard on students. They would lose a way to express individuality. (75 words).

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 5 of 33 Nominal/Verbal Continuum

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 6 of 33 Verbal Style The removal of reduced sulfur compounds from in-mill processes and the prevention of anaerobic formation of reduced sulphur compounds will improve both air and effluent quality. (26 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 7 of 33 Verbal Style Removing reduced sulfur compounds from in-mill processes and preventing anaerobic formation of reduced sulphur compounds will improve both air and effluent quality. (22 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 8 of 33 Verbal Style Our request is that on your return, you conduct a review of the data and provide an immediate report. (19 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 9 of 33 Verbal Style We request that when you return, you review the data and report immediately. (13 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 10 of 33 Verbal Style Many engineering personnel have made comments regarding a lack of knowledge about what new information is available in the library as literature is filed into the library without any sort of notification. (32 words).

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 11 of 33 Verbal Style Many engineers have commented about not being notified when new literature is filed in the library. (16 words).

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 12 of 33 Verbal Style Hence, there is a distinct diurnal and seasonal variation in the air mass stability and dispersion characteristics. (17 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 13 of 33 Verbal Style Hence, the air mass stability and dispersion characteristics vary daily and seasonally. (12 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 14 of 33 Descriptive Verbs Yesterday, Josey made three hundred dollars. counterfeited? earned? printed? manufactured? stole?

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 15 of 33 Descriptive Verbs The thief is in the house. = The thief exists in the house. The thief prowls in the house? The thief cowers in the house? The thief snoozes in the house? The thief ransacks the house?

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 16 of 33 Descriptive Verbs List of talkie verbs (Be)DriveGoLookSeem BringFaceGrowMakeShow CarryFeelHavePlaceTake ComeFindHoldPutThink DealGetKeepSayTry DoGiveKnowSeeTurn

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 17 of 33 Descriptive Verbs Because of the team’s ignorance, no one could know at the beginning what the product was going to look like or how long it was going to take them to create it. (32 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 18 of 33 Descriptive Verbs Because of the team’s ignorance, no one initially understood how the product would appear or how long they would require to create it. (23 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 19 of 33 Descriptive Verbs When a company grows at such a rapid rate, there may not be enough structure or direction for the new employees to make decisions on these matters. They also may not know who to go to for advice. (38 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 20 of 33 Descriptive Verbs When a company expands rapidly, it may lack the structure or direction new employees require to handle these matters. They may also be uncertain whom to ask for advice. (29 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 21 of 33 Descriptive Verbs Her report makes a recommendation that we do a study of the problem. (13 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 22 of 33 Descriptive Verbs Her report recommends that we study the problem. (13 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 23 of 33 Descriptive Verbs The committee had made the following series of recommendations. (9 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 24 of 33 Descriptive Verbs The committee recommended the following: (5 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 25 of 33 Descriptive Verbs The term “domain expertise” is used to describe some of the responses we can make. (15 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 26 of 33 Descriptive Verbs The term “domain expertise” describes some of our potential responses. (10 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 27 of 33 Descriptive Verbs They go ahead and make the purchase because they know they are doing the right thing. This gives people ownership as well as the responsibility to make decisions that directly impact their project. (33 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 28 of 33 Descriptive Verbs They purchase the equipment because management supports them. This approach enables ownership as well as responsibility for decisions directly impacting their project. (22 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 29 of 33 Wordy Phrases Wordy ExpressionsConcise Substitutions are indicative ofindicate at a rapid raterapidly at that point in timethen at the present timenow, today aware of the fact thatknow bring the matter to a conclusionconclude do not find any differencefind no difference due to the fact thatgiven that, because form a consensus of opinionagree has the ability tocan have tomust in a great number of casesoften

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 30 of 33 Wordy Phrases (cont’d) Wordy ExpressionsConcise Substitutions in close proximitynear in regard toabout in spite of the fact thateven though in the event thatif in this day and agetoday informs as to the fact that there istells of is able tocan is unable tocannot it is anticipated thatwe anticipate it is believed/considered by manymany believe/consider/etc. it is clear thatclearly it is evident thatobviously

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 31 of 33 Wordy Phrases (cont’d) Wordy ExpressionsConcise Substitutions it is necessary that someone...someone must... it should be assumed thatassume that it will be noted thatnote that make a decisiondecide on a personal basispersonally seem to beseem take the place ofsubstitute the majority ofmost the preponderance ofmost the reason why is thatbecause there is also the likelihood thatlikely until such time asuntil

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 32 of 33 Wordy Phrases This meteorological data file was chosen due to the fact that the mill is also located on the north side of the valley. (23 words)

Whitmore/Stevenson: Strategies for Engineering Communication 33 of 33 Wordy Phrases This meteorological data file was chosen because the mill is also located on the north side of the valley. (19 words)