Designing a Questionnaire 1. planning content 2. ordering the questions 3. method of administration 4. formatting 5. testing
translate your goals into questions what do you need to know? –planning the analysis / dummy tables what can be omitted –the effect of length –< 4 pages Planning Content
order effects –general / specific –comparisons logical flow –don’t skip around –use transition phrases –no switch back and forth Ordering the Questions question types –vary establish rapport –initial questions demographic questions –when to ask
Question Sequencing use simple interesting opening questions funnel approach, ask broad questions first carefully design branching questions ask for classification information last place difficult or sensitive question last
A Funnel Sequence How do you think this country is getting along in its relations with other countries? How do you think we are doing in our relations with Russia? Do you think we should be dealing with Russia differently from the way we are? (If yes) What should we be doing differently?
Inverted Funnel Sequence When was the last time you bought Chewing gum? Paper towels? vegetables? What do you think of your grocery store?
telephone face to face self-administered Method of Administration what can you ask? –open / closed –branching sensitive questions probing use of show cards / response categories –7-pt. Scale –Y/N
Formatting a Questionnaire respondents interviewers data processors
use booklet form identify the questionnaire don’t crowd the questions use large clear type number all questions don’t split questions across pages Formatting a Questionnaire put instructions on the questionnaire (Font) use vertical answer formats pre-code questions record time of interview include introduction / closing
1. What is your favorite brand of cereal? Brand A ____ Brand B ____ Brand C ____ Other ____ 1. What is your favorite brand of cereal? Brand A ____ Brand B ____ Brand C ____ Other ____
use earlier questions experts / colleagues advice test on office staff cognitive interview pretests interviewer training time to test Testing the Questionnaire