New York Association of School Psychologists New York Association of School Psychologists & New York State Office of Mental Health Office of Mental Health Recognizing Depression in Your Teenager and What to Do About It Present
THE SPEAK INITIATIVE More people die from suicides than homicides in our country Third leading cause of death for young people (ages 15 –24) Approximately 150,000 New York teenagers attempt suicide each year, and 70 will die as a result The national rate of teen suicide has nearly tripled since the 1950’s Prevention and early intervention saves lives
IS IT JUST THE BLUES OR IS YOUR CHILD DEPRESSED? Everybody has normal ups and downs Depression is more than just the blues Depression impacts us on an emotional, behavioral, and social level
FACT OR FICTION... Teens don’t suffer from “real” depression Teens who complain of being depressed are just weak Talking about depression only makes it worse Telling an adult that a friend may be depressed is betraying a trust
COMMON QUESTIONS ABOUT DEPRESSION What are the possible causes of depression? How common is it? Is it serious? Is depression the same for everyone? Can it be treated? Why don’t people get help?
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Does your child express feelings of... Sadness and emptiness Hopelessness, pessimism, or guilt Worthlessness
Do they seem... Unable to make decisions Unable to concentrate & remember Lost interest or pleasure in ordinary activities Have more problems with school and family
Do They Complain of... Loss of energy and drive Trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up Appetite problems Headaches, stomach aches, or backaches
Has their behavior changed suddenly so that... They are restless or more irritable They want to be alone most of the time They have started cutting classes or dropping activities They may be drinking or taking drugs
Have they talked about... Death Suicide Attempting to hurt themselves
PREVENTION AND EARLY INTERVENTION SAVES LIVES Recognize the warning signs Talk to someone who can help