International environmental cooperation -- Summary Tomasz Żylicz
Overview of the presentation Acid rain Baltic eutrophication Ozone hole Climate change Biodiversity loss Sustainability Lisbon Strategy Debt-for-environment swaps Trade versus environment
Acid rain Geographical distribution of losses in Europe 1979 Geneva Convention on LRTAP 1985 Helsinki Protocol Gradual improvements Economic efficiency
Baltic eutrophication Geographical distribution of costs and benefits 1974 Helsinki Convention Interactions of nitrogen and phosphorus Need for regional optimization of abatement
Ozone hole Using environment in oligopolistic rivalry 1986 Vienna Convention – victory of DuPont over ICI 1987 Montreal Protocol –setting precedent for the polarized world –trade sanctions
Climate change 1992 FCCC – setting stage 1997 Kyoto Protocol – binding commitments for Annex I countries Flexibility mechanisms –CDM –EU ETS
Biodiversity loss 1992 Convention (Rio) No technical solutions Fees for biodiversity prospecting
Sustainability Brundtland definition (1987) Two types of sustainability –Weak –Strong Agenda 21 (1992)
Lisbon Strategy 2000 document Environment – on of three pillars of sustainability Four environmental issues –Climate change –Resource conservation –Transport –Health 2005 reorientation
Debt swaps 1984 idea (T. Lovejoy) 1987 Bolivian debt-for- nature swap Second thoughts 1991 Polish initiative –Environment versus equity –Self-enforcing agreement? –EcoFund’s operations
Trade versus environment 1993 Swedish report Proponents of trade –Trade enhances specialization –Specialization improves welfare –Welfare boosts environmental demand Opponents of trade –Specialization traps –Inaquality of benefits –Environmental Kuznets Curve