Website Development Process By Una Dooney
Slide 2Computer Applications Stage 1 Slide 2 The Website Development Process Involves the following Stages –Site definition and planning –Information architecture –Site design –Site construction –Site marketing –Tracking and maintenance
Slide 3Computer Applications Stage 1 Slide 3 Site Definition and Planning Define Goals and objectives of Site –To buy and sell something –To entertain –To educate –To inform
Slide 4Computer Applications Stage 1 Slide 4 Short Statement of Goals Define the Objectives –Make a list of the goals –Prioritise them
Slide 5Computer Applications Stage 1 Slide 5 Define The Target Audience Who are the potential site visitors The need to accommodate a range of different user skills and needs –The casual Web surfers (not searching for anything in particular) –Expert and frequent users (who are doing a focused search for something) –The novice and occasional users –The international user (language etc)
Slide 6Computer Applications Stage 1 Slide 6 Target Audience The market can be segmented by age, gender, income, geographical region, interests/hobbies etc By knowing your audience the chance of success is better The content and layout of the site will largely depend on the target audience.
Slide 7Computer Applications Stage 1 Slide 7 Design Critiques Look at successful models of websites from the user perspective. See what works and what does not Every site will consist of a number of linked pages. The differences will be: –Number of pages (breath and scope) –How they are linked (navigation system) –How easy or difficult to use and get around
Slide 8Computer Applications Stage 1 Slide 8 Content Inventory Assess the content you will need to achieve your goals Build an inventory of the existing content and plan for that which you will need Content development is the most time- consuming part of web development At the end of this stage you should have a site production checklist
Slide 9Computer Applications Stage 1 Slide 9 A Site Production checklist Goals and objectives Technology needed Support required Marketing Plan Maintenance Plan
Slide 10Computer Applications Stage 1 Slide 10 Technology considerations –Web browsers and operating systems supported –Bandwidth considerations - the average user –Coding, scripting that will be used (HTML, Java etc) –HTML, Java, Javascript etc –Viewer support mechamisms Chat Rooms
Slide 11Computer Applications Stage 1 Slide 11 Web server considerations In-house or Internet Service Provider (ISP) Disk space required Logging traffic Search engine suitable for your content Database support
Slide 12Computer Applications Stage 1 Slide 12 Budget planning will be detailed Salaries Hardware and software required Ongoing personnel to maintain the site Ongoing technical support Database maintenance New content development