Imaging PET
Course Layout Class + ContentDateClass Physical Principles of PET I Physical principles of MRI II Imaging applications III Image Reconstruction PET and MRI IV Automatic Image Alignment V PCA VI No Class VII GLM VIII GLM relation to classical tests (Anova, T-test..) IX Covariates X Gaussian fields Theory XI Specific experiment design and analysis XII Specific experiment design and analysis XIII Correction for multiple measurements XIV
Talk Layout Repetition of PET princinples Repetition of PET princinples PET image reconstruction -FBP PET image reconstruction -FBP Physics of NMR Physics of NMR Application to imaging of NMR -MRI Application to imaging of NMR -MRI
Positron emission
Coincidence Events 1 1. Detected True Coincidence Event 2 2. True Event Lost to Sensitivity or Deadtime 3 3. True Event Lost to Photon Attenuation 4 4. Scattered Coincidence Event 5a 5b 5a,b. Random Coincidence Event
Attenuation Correction
Filtered Back Projection
Filtered backprojection Filter the measured projection data at different projection angles with a special function. Backproject the filtered projection data to form the reconstructed image. Filtering can be implemented in 2 ways, in the spatial domain, the filter operation is equivalent to to convolving the measured projection data using a special convolving function h(t) More efficient multiplication will be in the spatial frequency domain. FFT the measured projection data into the frequency domain: p(, )=FT {p(t, ) Multiply the the fourier transform projections with the special function. Inverse Fourier transform the product p ’ (, ).
2D Vs. 3D
Principles of MRI
Felix Bloch
RF pulse
T1 and T2
Effect of tissue T1 and T2 CONSTANTS T2 Constants at 1.5 T Controlled by TE T1 Constants at 1.5 T Controlled by TR 85Fat 45860Muscle 90780White matter Gray matter CSF
Slice selection
K space
K Space