Forebrain TelencephalonDiencephalon
Division of diencephalon by hypothalamic sulcus 1- pars dorsalis 2- pars ventralis
hypothalamic sulcus
Pars dorsalis 1- dorsal thalamus 2- meta thalamus Epithalamus Thalamus
Thalamus from above
Pars ventralis hypothalamus subthalamus
Two points about the diencephalon 1- Impar (median telencephalon) 2- just inf surface of Diencephalon is visible in the intact brain
Meaning of thalamus prechamber
Size of thalamus 3- 4 cm length 1.5 cm width
Surfaces and poles of Thalamus 4 surfaces Superior, inferior, medial and lateral Two poles Anterior and posterior
Sup surface of thalamus (Lat ventricle)
medial surface of thalamus ( third ventricle)
Inferior surface of thalamus
lateral surface of thalamus
Limitation of sup.surface At the lateral: THALAMUSTRAIATE GROOVE Content: similar vein and stria terminalis At the medial: Stria medullary Thalamic and Tenia Thalamic.
Sup surface of thalamus
Lamina Affix
Limitation of Medial Surface 1- at the above : Stria medullary Thalamic and Tenia Thalamic 2- at the below : Hypothalamic Sulcus
medial surface of thalamus
Interthalamic adhesion
Internal structural of Thalamus Internal medullary Lamina
Thalamus nuclei 1- Ant group (AD,AV,AM) 2- Medial group (MD) 3- Lateral group: A- ventromedial group(VA,VI or VL,VP) B- dorsolateral group (LD,LP,Pulvinar) 4- Reticular nucleus 5- Interalaminar nucleus 6- Medline nucleus
Papez’s circuit (Korsakow syndrom) 1- mamillary bodies 2- ant nuclei of thalamus 3- cinguli gyrus 4- hippocumus
Papez’s circuit
Medial group Medialis Dorsalis Comminucation with: Prefrontal( ability to solve the problem, General character, consciousness) Smell regions (limbic system)
Medial group
Lateral Group 1- Ventromedial 2- Dorsolateral
Motor function Sensory relay nuclei Vision and lingual function
Reticular nucleus Bilateral communication with cortex Pay attention
Intralaminar nuclei 1-paracentral 2- centromedian 3- centralis lat and medial
Function of Intralaminar nuclei Function of Intralaminar nuclei 1- sleep and Arousal and Awareness 2- pain
Midline nuclei ParaventriculrRhombolidalis
Function Reticular formation of brain stem Limbic system